FL Socialist Gillum Aligns With Groups That Support Boycotts of Israel – IOTW Report

FL Socialist Gillum Aligns With Groups That Support Boycotts of Israel

WFB: Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has aligned himself with several prominent anti-Semitic organizations known for promoting boycotts of Jewish goods and individuals, fueling questions about how the Democratic candidate would handle issues of import to the state’s large pro-Israel community.

Gillum, who is riding a progressive a wave of young Democrats highly critical of Israel, is running against Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a prominent Israel supporter. The Democrat has a history of working with several organizations promoting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS, an anti-Semitic movement that seeks to wage economic and political warfare on the Jewish state.

Gillum’s open association with these organizations is raising questions in the pro-Israel community, particularly as U.S. states seek to slash ties with BDS organizations and prevent taxpayer funds from supporting these movements. While Gillum has committed to “push back against anti-Israel efforts, like BDS,” he has not distanced himself from several organizations leading the charge.

DeSantis, meanwhile, has positioned himself firmly against the BDS movement and is the co-author of legislation that will protect American businesses from being pressured into backing Israel boycotts. The issue is likely to be raised with both candidates as the gubernatorial contest heats up in a state with many Jewish voters.  read more

7 Comments on FL Socialist Gillum Aligns With Groups That Support Boycotts of Israel

  1. So, one of The Party members in good standing wants to support voluntary foreign import boycotts. And another of The Party members in good standing wants government mandated financial support for domestic cults. And the local peasants… what? Oh. Florida. Never mind.

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