FL teacher brutally beaten by 280-pound student refuses to help lawyers lighten his sentence – IOTW Report

FL teacher brutally beaten by 280-pound student refuses to help lawyers lighten his sentence

Revolver– Around seven months ago, a teacher in Orlando, Florida, was viciously attacked by a lumbering 6’6″, 270-pound crazed student. Thankfully, she’s made the right call by refusing to help his defense team eek out a shorter sentence. The student, whose name is Brendan Depa, was 17 at the time he unleashed the horrific attack on Joan Naydich, a teacher at Matanzas High School. The video shows him throwing her down like a rag doll, kicking and punching her multiple times in her back and head until staff finally intervened and pulled the massive goon off of her.

According to Depa, his violent attack was sparked by the teacher telling him to stop gaming on his Nintendo Switch. The teacher says that never happened. Perhaps the attack was race-driven? We’ll likely never know. Depa was charged as an adult and is now staring down the barrel of a potential 30-year prison sentence, and the teacher is perfectly fine with that and not willing to help get that sentence reduced. more here

32 Comments on FL teacher brutally beaten by 280-pound student refuses to help lawyers lighten his sentence

  1. Yeah, so the muscular man who happened on the scene stood by and watched until two women ran in to help.

    If the student is autistic with a history of violence, he should not have been in the general population. If he doesn’t do serious time, his enablers should.

  2. if you don’t put him in jail for life or put two to the back of his head, when he gets out he is going to commit murder and then all will say he fell through the cracks, it’s whiteys fault etc…

  3. Isn’t it just amazing what an absolutely great job the so-called African American oppressed minority in our country does in raising their children to be God fearing, honest, hard working, well educated, peaceful citizens. Just absolutely stunning. I guess raising 75 to 80% of their kids without a father is the secret to their success. Who’d a thunk it!

  4. I think I found the root of the problem:
    “ Still, Judge Terrence Perkins still has the option of sentencing him as a youth — and meting out a penalty as low as probation. The teen’s disabilities will likely weigh on his decision.”

  5. good, put that animal in jail. the worst thing America did was end segregation. it is impossible to live next to animals and be safe, especially when whites are prevented by the government to be able to defend themselves.

  6. manipulating the criminal stats of black students by not enforcing the law has created/encouraged feral animals

    if trayvon had been locked up for his crimes he’d still be alive
    they found the stolen loot in his school locker & still let him off with a slap on the wrist
    george zimmerman got to have his life ruined instead

    painful life lesson consequences usually corrects this behavior

  7. Depa was charged as an adult and is now staring down the barrel of a potential 30-year prison sentence, and the teacher is perfectly fine with that and not willing to help get that sentence reduced.

    I fine with it too – except it should be a 50-year sentence. That’s 50 years of getting a daily dose of Bubba and Jamal.

  8. “Solitary confinement until he’s on the verge of insanity,”

    There doesn’t appear to be a lot rolling around up there between the ears. He’d probably be fine with it. I like the accident part. What are the odds of rehabilitating a zombie like this?

  9. the grammar NAZI is here
    “eek out”?
    induce the judge to give the miscreant a shorter sentence
    (preferably at the end of a hemp rope)
    the phrase would be spelled “eke out” anyway.
    but the usage is totally and completely incorrect.
    eke out means to add supplemental necessities when you’re just getting by

  10. There doesn’t appear to be a lot rolling around up there between the ears.

    yeah… like two brain cells fighting each other for oxygen up there!

    … reminds me of Jackass Joe!


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