Fla. Gov. DeSantis Announces Opening Of COVID Antibody Treatment Centers – IOTW Report

Fla. Gov. DeSantis Announces Opening Of COVID Antibody Treatment Centers

“We’ve really, I think, identified over the last couple weeks one thing that just wasn’t known enough in terms of, you know, what do you do when when you get a positive test of COVID-19,” DeSantis stated. “And basically, early treatment with these monoclonal antibodies, Regeneron and others, have proven to radically reduce the chance that somebody ends up being hospitalized.” –Story

10 Comments on Fla. Gov. DeSantis Announces Opening Of COVID Antibody Treatment Centers

  1. Interesting. So giving some one the Chi-Vi, or at least the antibody templates works….it’s like magic or something. One might even go so far as to say it’s science.

  2. That’s if you’re jacked up with it.
    Everyone else can just let their own immunity handle it or use Ivermectin or HCQ. He’s just offering you a choice so that you don’t have to be forced to get the jab. [Which doesn’t stop you from getting the rona, and you can still end up in the hospital. Lefties haven’t figured that shit out yet.]

    Florida and several other states don’t mandate masks and jabs.

  3. Actually getting jab increases susceptibility to new strands of ‘Rona. It’s what the junk does to the blood cell functionality in the body that kills according to the research I’ve read. It opens you up to a downward spiral of natural immunity and eventual lowered tolerance.

    It’s a bio weapon targeted human genetics. And it comes from a place (wuhan) known for breeding viruses.

  4. It’s not the unvaxd that is the problem.
    A virus entering a vaccinated person has just enrolled in warrior school.
    When it graduates, and comes out, it may try to conquer the world.


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