Flake: Trump’s Behavior Causing Journalists to Be Jailed Overseas – IOTW Report

Flake: Trump’s Behavior Causing Journalists to Be Jailed Overseas

Breitbart: Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) said President Donald Trump’s behavior at a Pennsylvania rally Saturday is causing “real damage long term to the political culture.”

Flake said, “I don’t flow where know where to start. He has done this before, referred to the press as the enemy of the people. He stood next to Duterte as Duterte referred to the press as spies and laughed. And it has an effect, words matter. We have a record number of journalists being jailed overseas, some on false news charges, echoing the phrases he uses. I don’t think it’s a responsible thing to do. I really don’t.”

He added, “I think that the risk is that this becomes normalized. We take as normal what is abnormal. We should never normalize this kind of behavior, particularly from the president of the United States. So I think it does real damage long term to the political culture. It really does.” more here

20 Comments on Flake: Trump’s Behavior Causing Journalists to Be Jailed Overseas

  1. Uh No Jeff. He does not refer to the Press as the enemy of the people. There are several news outlets he gives praise to. CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WAPO, they are all enemies of Democracy, the Republic and freedom. That is who he calls out as the enemy and rightly so.

  2. “…So I think it does real damage long term to the political culture…”

    If by “political culture”, you mean “establishment”, then yes, Flake.

  3. Flaky Flake, your opinion has been examined and discarded as it is ridiculous.
    It appears that each and every time your opine on a topic it’s to bash the president. Flaky Flake, you’re becoming more asinine and idiotic than Maxine Waters, who I am sure is a idol of yours. Do us all a favor and STFU.

  4. I don’t care what this mother fuc traitor loser saying. He soon be out of the senate and will have to get a man job, hoping picking fruit and vegetables 🌽 in Mexico shit hole.

  5. Jeffy doesn’t care about the media, he’s just worried that he’s going to jail.
    Trump is cleaning house, and Jeffy is worried his skeletons are going to be exposed.
    Just like all the Dems and never Trumpers.

  6. I am so grateful for Trump. without him none of these republican turncoats would have been exposed. Imagine where we would be if Trump didnt speak out. These bastards like snowFlake and mccain just lied and lied and lied for decades.

    God Bless President Donald J Trump, we just cannot get enough of him. He’s like cool, clean water to a dehydrated and thirsty nation.

  7. Flake is just auditioning for a show on CNN or MSNBC as a tame Republican. He quit because he knew he wouldn’t withstand a nomination battle let alone the election so he’s using his title to get on as many talk shows as he can to badmouth Trump and show the left media that he’s ready for primetime.

  8. All of us here have known and been saying the media criminals have been the enemy of the American people for a long time. Decades, in fact. The only difference is that when Trump says it, it is heard. When we say it we are silenced, deleted, banned, erased, censored, edited, cut, etc…

    I tell the buffoons all the time that ask me “are you a Trump supporter? I answer with “No, Trump agrees with ME, not the other way around. Thats why I voted for him, he asked for my vote, he earned MY vote.”


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