Flashback 1987: Plagiarism Scandal Forces Joe Biden Out of Democratic Presidential Race – IOTW Report

Flashback 1987: Plagiarism Scandal Forces Joe Biden Out of Democratic Presidential Race

Ah, Memories…


Career politician Joe Biden, who was a long-time U.S. Senator before becoming Barack Obama’s Vice President, bowed out of the Democratic Presidential race on this day in 1987.

A reporter noted that Biden was forced out of the race due to “questions of character and integrity” after being dogged by an embarrassing plagiarism scandal and dishonesty about his record as a Washington D.C. lawmaker. MORE HERE

5 Comments on Flashback 1987: Plagiarism Scandal Forces Joe Biden Out of Democratic Presidential Race

  1. “I was wrong, but I was not malevolent in any way,” he said. ”I did not intentionally move to mislead anybody. And I didn’t. To this day I didn’t.”

    ”When I was at Syracuse,” Biden added, ”I was married, I was in law school, I wore sports coats. You’re looking at a middle-class guy. I am who I am. I’m not big on flak jackets and tie-dyed shirts. You know, that’s not me.”

    Well, that changes EVERYTHING! If you were married, in law school, and wore sports coats, then all is forgiven. You may go about your business.

    What a schmuck.


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