Flashback: AIDS Patients Storm the NIH After Fauci Blocks Life-Saving Treatments – IOTW Report

Flashback: AIDS Patients Storm the NIH After Fauci Blocks Life-Saving Treatments

“No Peptide T, no Compound Q, Anthony Fauci I piss on you!”

National File: Recently resurfaced video footage from a 1990 protest at the National Institute of Health shows AIDS patients and gay activists storming the NIH in protest of Dr. Anthony Fauci, as he was blocking those stricken with the disease from accessing treatments that could have saved their lives, giving his Big Pharma allies a monopoly on HIV/AIDS medications, which proved useless and oftentimes even more detrimental to patients than not treating them at all. MORE

10 Comments on Flashback: AIDS Patients Storm the NIH After Fauci Blocks Life-Saving Treatments

  1. Interesting. Peptide Therapy is the new science that the fitness world is banking on being the fountain of youth. People are getting some amazing results out of specialized Amino/Protein chains. There’s stories of 80 year old peeps getting up and moving again. I wonder how many lives that little piece of shit Fauci has really impacted. He certainly set that science back by thirty years. And why? There’s no money in it. What a dick.

  2. As I’ve said many times before, everything about the Coof response was VERY familiar to those of us that were dealing with AIDS patients back then.

    The differences were that Government didn’t own medicine the way it does now with Obamacare, doctors had private practices that weren’t beholden to mega medical corporations, doctors were confident in their skills enough to treat patients as they saw fit because they weren’t here on international licenses or Affirmative Action free passes, the media weren’t all Democrat shills so the truth could still get out, and…SUPER important…SOCIAL MEDIA WASN’T A THING.

    …because of all this, the stupid ideas from the Fed went by the wayside, keeping things that made sense anyway like Universal Precautions for Bloodborne Pathogens and changing some frankly unsafe used needle handling practices, and moved on without shutting the economy amd the schools down even though Fauci DID tell a LOT of lies about how AIDS spread to try to instill fear.

    Sadly, then as now the Fed COULD and DID keep effective and promising treatments away from people while letting it spread by delaying the truth as long as they could, but by and large common sense and won the day.


    …little did we suspect the nefarious intentions of that evil little troll, that he was taking notes as to what he needed to change to unleah hell more effectively the NEXT time, nor that the little rat bastard would be around four decades later to CAUSE a next time…

  3. I also hope every one has had a chance to view Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s, “The Real Anthony Fauci” documentary, which fully covers the Aids era. The man is a 100% genuine pathological criminal in the medical profession.

  4. This video clip and the clip of Fauci being told off by an informed black man about the Covid scaredemic may actually be from a recent documentary showing on PBS currently. h**ps://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/anthony-fauci-documentary/23072/

    Although, there is revealing video of how monstrous Fauci really is, the documentary is an attempt to let Fauci zombied groupies know rightwingers and other extremists have misunderstood the self sacrificing (midget) martyr who tirelessly strives for “the greater good”.

    I’ve seen the first hours of this Fauci documentary and in reality Fauci confirms by his own words and actions that he’s a narcissist, evil heartless creep and a spiritual clone of Mengele.

    It also confirms the radical 1990s LGBTQ gay activists, in particular the male leadership are duplicitous hypocrites who hated Fauci but are now fast friends of his. I think the same guy who wrote that scathing letter is his best bud, too. Obviously, the LGBTQ+ want the same thing as Fauci – to marginalize and eliminate any opposition.

    Don’t think the theme of the documentary, poor persecuted “man of scoience” ploy is working. There is too much truth shown to deny Fauci is an amoral criminal/villian who needs to be in prison for crimes against humanity.


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