Flashback: Bayer Knowingly Sold Aids Infected Drugs – Thousands Contracted Hiv – IOTW Report

Flashback: Bayer Knowingly Sold Aids Infected Drugs – Thousands Contracted Hiv

Thousands contracted HIV after using tainted Bayer drug. Pharmaceutical company Bayer knowingly sold AIDS tainted vaccines to overseas countries because they wouldn’t have got away with it in America and wanted to profit from it. [Full video at the link in the description]

15 Comments on Flashback: Bayer Knowingly Sold Aids Infected Drugs – Thousands Contracted Hiv

  1. interesting its a msnbc news investigation. never see that on msnbc these days. damages should include stock based interest to remove any question if these actions might be profitable.

  2. gee, they did so well with that drug, that they went on to purchase monsanto. They, with blackrock and a very few others, are said to have purchased up to 70% of ukraine’s farmland.
    they make some good, life saving drugs, but they have black spots on them:
    “As part of the IG Farben conglomerate, which strongly supported the Third Reich, the Bayer company was complicit in the crimes of the Third Reich. In its most criminal activities, the company took advantage of the absence of legal and ethical constraints on medical experimentation to test its drugs on unwilling human subjects. These included paying a retainer to SS physician Helmuth Vetter to test Rutenol and other sulfonamide drugs on deliberately infected patients at the Dachau, Auschwitz, and Gusen concentration camps.”
    oh, yeah- don’t forget this contribution to modern society:

  3. We won’t hear any more about it just like we don’t hear about Gates’
    polio vaccine for African children that was also tainted – his plan was genocide, same plan Bayer had.

  4. Ya know,
    I really try & cut the Krauts slack…

    I love the Beer, Schnitzel, Pork Hock (that’s an “”H), but they KEEP DOING THIS KIND OF SHIT!

    A Few Years ago they were Testing the effects of Diesel Fumes on Monkeys & Homeless People.

    And WTF is with the German Shiza Porn?

  5. Guess the Africans caught it again – one sad, benighted continent.
    Sure hope they didn’t sell any in Wakanda!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. In the early 1980’s my Father had major surgery in Canada and was notified he may have h.i.v. from contaminated blood. He was cleared after many months of observation. Mentally he was destroyed. Would not sleep in a bed with his wife, and basically kept away from every one for years. Canadian tainted blood scandal.

  7. Ancient history that I believe I’ve commented on a number of times previously as my younger brother was one of those who died. The government actually did do something. If memory serves they paid out a “benefit” $40,000.00 to survivors and/or beneficiaries of those infected.

    Pretty cheap when you figure the monthly cost of the Factor VIII was usually six figures a month to utilize.

    Don’t feel like picking on that scab to night and it wasn’t Bayer alone who did it. Sadly heat treating the infected clotting factor killed the virus and could have then been reissued safely. They felt that if it got out that they treated and reissued no one would “trust” them so just let most of the product go out and be used.

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