Flashback-Biden: If ‘You Leave Those Billions of Dollars of Weapons Behind’ in Iraq, They’ll ‘Be Used Against Your Grandchild’ – IOTW Report

Flashback-Biden: If ‘You Leave Those Billions of Dollars of Weapons Behind’ in Iraq, They’ll ‘Be Used Against Your Grandchild’


“Well isn’t this interesting,” Sen. Melissa Melendez (R-Calif.) said Friday, tweeting out video of 2007 presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden (D-Delaware) warning against the danger of pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq before first removing the “billions of dollars of weapons” the U.S. military had in the country.

At an August 12, 2007 campaign event in Winterset, Iowa, Biden warned that the billions of dollars of weapons left behind – such as those left behind by the U.S. military’s hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan this year – would end up being used against America: more here

9 Comments on Flashback-Biden: If ‘You Leave Those Billions of Dollars of Weapons Behind’ in Iraq, They’ll ‘Be Used Against Your Grandchild’

  1. This may be one the only truthful things Captain Crap Weasel ever said! Too bad the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media doesn’t have the balls to confront the grinning imbecile with it!! Maybe they just want to stay upwind of the old fart! The man talks out of his ass so much that anymore these days when Jackass Joe farts, people just hand him a breath mint and say “What?”

  2. Is Biden a typical fucking REgressive hypocrite? I’ve known it for years but there’s not a GD thing you could show most Biden voters that’d get them to back track.

    Is secession was an option, I’d be down for it.

  3. He left the weapons behind on purpose. He ignorantly thought that The Taliban would fight ISIS-K & The other group of goat fuckers whose name escapes me at the moment. There are so many now.

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