Flashback: Big Bad Don – The Ballad Of Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Flashback: Big Bad Don – The Ballad Of Donald Trump

h/t Sturge


9 Comments on Flashback: Big Bad Don – The Ballad Of Donald Trump

  1. great song, great rendering … I thank God every day that DJT is our president

    I don’t always agree, or understand his methods, but I absolutely love what he has accomplished so far … much more, already, than I thought any non-demonRat could have done

    Trump is 20 steps ahead of his detractors (& 10 steps ahead of his supporters … lol) …. I sleep well w/ him & his people in charge & await his further victories

  2. Good parallels with original lyrics, such as “he gave a mighty shove, and a miner yelled out ‘there’s a light up above'”…Trump to the rescue of America!

  3. Brad whatsthematterforyou? I LOVE Big Bad Don. It’s funny, it’s true, and it’s humorous. Things the phucking liberals can’t take. Patriots 21, Eagles 10. Will watch at home for scores. No party, like it used to be. Sad. Liberals phuck up everything.

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