FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Joked About Killing Trump, Pence, and Jeff Sessions – IOTW Report

FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Joked About Killing Trump, Pence, and Jeff Sessions


Seeing as Trump has been impeached because his rhetoric allegedly incited the riot on the U.S. Capitol in January, it seems appropriate to point out instances where Democrats have used violent rhetoric and demand equal justice for it.

In 2018, Senator Kamala Harris appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show, during which DeGeneres asked Harris a series of random questions from cards. It was upbeat and all in the name of humor, but things got seriously dark when DeGeneres asked, “If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?”

“Does one of us have to come out alive?” Harris asked, then laughed hysterically. read more

8 Comments on FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Joked About Killing Trump, Pence, and Jeff Sessions

  1. These illegitimate basterds (and a few bitches as well) continue to be hell bent on persecuting and badgering the LEGITIMATE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT (now in exile as if we’re a second rate banana republic) into oblivion.

    They have no shame, remember only the words of their opponents, and only see the “evil” intent of those who speak against them.

    They are the spawn of Satan and his minions and perform his work in destroying America…

    “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…”

    Thomas Jefferson authored the Declaration of Independence to set out the reasons for the American people to “dissolve the political bands which have connected them” with Great Britain. It may be time to sever that tie within America today.

    The Declaration also boldly stated:

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

    Do these people have the consent of the governed?

  2. I remember when Trump made a joke about asking the Russians to look for Hillary’s missing emails, and he got a three year bullshit inquisition for that joke. But laugh it up, Kamala, you goddam hyena.

    And Mike Pence, these are the people you’ve allied with. Going up?


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