Flashback: Obama Promised Obamacare ‘Would Not Apply’ to Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Flashback: Obama Promised Obamacare ‘Would Not Apply’ to Illegal Aliens

Breitbart: Former President Barack Obama previously promised that the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, “would not apply” to illegal aliens in the United States.

On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced that his administration would open Obamacare and Medicaid rolls — both subsidized by American taxpayers — to illegal aliens enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Obama created the DACA program in 2012 through an executive order, ensuring that about 800,000 illegal aliens are allowed to remain in the U.S. without being eligible for deportation.

“When President Obama and I created the DACA program, we knew it would transform lives and it has, bringing stability and possibility to hundreds of thousands of young people known as DREAMers,” Biden said in the announcement: MORE

DHS Chief Mayorkas: Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens Now, Amnesty Next.

17 Comments on Flashback: Obama Promised Obamacare ‘Would Not Apply’ to Illegal Aliens

  1. If you give a progressive an inch, he will take a mile. Once again we are paying for this while being told that Social Security is going broke. Veterans are homeless on the street and welfare is open to to those that are here illegally.
    Since elections have been corrupted there is little chance conservatives will be able to regain control, which is even harder when so many R’s are turncoat RINO’s. A tipping point is nearing that I never thought I would see in my lifetime.

  2. No income taxes paid in anyway shape or form until they straighten up and act like honest individuals so in other words go fuck yourselves you ain’t getting our money.

  3. He promised it would be cheaper too and yet I just received our company renewal info and the deductible is going up $500 and the premiums are up over 10% but good news, they are adding expanded gender dysphoria coverage!

  4. oblowme’s whole life story is a lie
    why would a deranged, deviant, degenerate tell the truth about anything

    don’t forget about having to pay that shared responsibility tax for not buying oblowmecare

    tomorrow is 04/15, you have until 04/18 to get your taxes/tax extensions postmarked
    biteme needs that money to send to the laundrymat in ukraine

  5. When chocolate jesus spoke there was no lie, nor truth, he was without blame. All smoke rises, as do the oceans, said the Choomer in Chief. So don’t be tarnishing his Legacy.


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