Flashback: Obama Went Golfing as H1N1 Swept Across USA – IOTW Report

Flashback: Obama Went Golfing as H1N1 Swept Across USA

Gateway Pundit: Back in 2009 when the Swine Flu – H1N1 influenza was sweeping across the country Obama went golfing.
Funny how the media never brings this up.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that that during the outbreak there were 60.8 million cases in the US, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths.

There’s video of one reporter asking the White House press secretary about the optics of Obama golfing while Americans were dying. MORE

14 Comments on Flashback: Obama Went Golfing as H1N1 Swept Across USA

  1. off topic: heard they just reached a $2trillion deal in the Senate

    … now, why is my asshole sore & my wallet bare? … or vice versa?

    maybe it’s the Senatonia Virus … the only cure is to pay more taxes

  2. Obama was free to golf during H1N1 because he had Steady Joe at the Helm guiding heroic efforts in defeating this killer. How much worse it would have been without Joe’s leadership and wisdom! And remember, Joe’s wife is a Doctor!

  3. Half the public still believes that Obama’s snotty and aloof behavior was what world class leadership looks like.
    In reality, under the veneer there was nothing but a petty little fraud that did nothing but cause harm to anything he touched.
    He continues to shrink more and more as we witness true leadership and guidance from a man that is falsely accused of being exactly what Obama was.

  4. @gin blossom,
    Obola did plenty. When he wasn’t ‘golfing’, he was gulping at a bath house.
    Plus, from his fake wife’s accounts, old stinky was fouling up the White House farting on the sofa.
    The only thing real about Barri is that he’s a total loser.

  5. The differences, of course, are seen in the commie-sympathizing U.S. Media. It’s the old “If a tree falls in the woods and there’s no one there to hear it…” koan. We heard very little about H1N1 compared to WuFlu. I’m telling you, I’m convinced this is a manufactured crisis — another one — perpetrated on us by the Democrat Socialists — to cripple the Trump presidency and elect Biden in November. You know vote fraud on a massive scale is just around the corner.

  6. As he should have been.
    Obola’s not a doctor. Not even an American, so why should he give a shit about how many Americans get the flu?
    Every year – EVERY FUCKING YEAR – between 22,000 and 55,000 Americans die of the flu. (CDC)
    So, ask yourself, why is everyone running around with arms flailing above their heads in a panic screaming about things they can’t do anything about? Why is the FedGov dipping into our pockets for $2 Trillion? Why are they INSISTING that you stay home?
    In 8 years Obola did massive damage to our economy and our politics – siphoning $Millions upon $Millions off to his cronies – but nothing compared to this!
    The sheeple are in their pens – AT THEIR OWN INSISTENCE!
    With tears in their sad little sheeple eyes they passively await final disposition.
    What will their “leaders” (English for “fuhrers”) tell them next?
    The media Pontiffs pontificate about things foolish, the politicians do a “smash and grab” at the Treasury, and we quiver in fear over an overblown instance of standard operating procedure.

    Un-fucking-believable. (AA inspired this rant)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. If we are forced to view any likeness of Obama could you please make it the wimpy weight lifting photo or the photo of him riding the girl’s bicycle while wearing a little girl’s helmet.
    Behind bars would be acceptable too.


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