Flesh-eating STD found in UK for first time – IOTW Report

Flesh-eating STD found in UK for first time

MirrorUK: Flesh-eating STI Donovanosis which causes genitals to ‘rot away’ found in UK for first time.

There have been no previous cases in the UK of the rare sexually transmitted disease also known as Granuloma inguinale – until now.

A sexually transmitted disease which causes the genitals to erupt into flesh-eating ulcers has been detected for the first time in the UK and it’s making a comeback in other countries too.

Usually found in far-flung tropical countries, there have been no previous cases of the rare STI Donovanosis recorded in the UK. That is until now.

The nasty bug causes genital ulcers to grow and spread. If left untreated flesh in the groin literally starts to eat itself.

And according to a Freedom of Information request, submitted by online pharmacy chemist-4-u.com, the rare sexually transmitted disease Donovanosis has been diagnosed three times.

Twice in Bolton and once in a woman, between the age of 15 and 25, in Southport in the past 12 months.

Although Donovanosis itself can be treated with antibiotics, time is of the essence.

Infections typically occur in the genital area, but they can also appear around the nose, mouth and chest. In all, there are four types of Donovanosis to be aware of.

The first is fleshy red ulcers that bleed when touched, known as ulcerogranulomatous.

Secondly, a dry ulcer with a raised, uneven edge, this is known as the hypertrophic or verrucous type.

A necrotic infection is deep and foul smelling and causes severe damage to the tissues. more here

16 Comments on Flesh-eating STD found in UK for first time

  1. It would be tough to be young and single with this shit out there. Our generation (62 yrs old) did well for the most part. It’s hard not to be concerned for the kids and grand kids.

  2. An American businessman in China comes down with a VD. He looks for a good western trained physician. The doctor tells him he will need surgery for a complete amputation of his genital. He is upset and says to hell with you. He looks for a good Chinese traditional doctor. He tells the Chinese doctor what the western doctor said. The Chinese doctor says “those western doctors always want to cut”. The guy feels relieved until the Chinese doctor says “no need for surgery…..in 10 days it will all fall off”.


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