Flight to Chicago diverted, 6 Muslims arrested – IOTW Report

Flight to Chicago diverted, 6 Muslims arrested

“Interference with flight crew”

The six, said to be members of a San Diego area soccer team, were subsequently arrested and charged with “interference with a flight crew and abetting.”

h/t C Steven Tucker

29 Comments on Flight to Chicago diverted, 6 Muslims arrested

  1. This kind of stuff fry’s my cake.

    Let me make something perfectly clear to any musloid who reads this site:

    I don’t care if I’m on a plane, train, or bus – you musloids fuck with any of my AMERICAN brothers and sisters in my presence and I’ll punch you in the neck; male OR female. I’ll make us BOTH famous.

    The world has had enough of your incessant bullshit, and you WILL be put down like the virus of humanity that you truly are – and I’ll enjoy every minute of it.

  2. Re-design planes to have an “exit door” that can be opened without endangering other passengers…to “return” such passengers to their proper places….parachute optional.

  3. America, get used to living like this, in fear for your life and in constant threat. Obama HAS fundamentally changed d America and the counts among us that are not afraid to utter “he” and “she” are your enemy as well.

    He has imported more than One Million of these diseased bacteria in the last 7 years and more are on the way. Human feces that will multiply into a bloodthirsty killing force protected by our own constitution. Sad.

    At the same time he is unleashing this chaos and violent group of killers upon us, we read stories of how Police Departments, those we expect to protect us from this plague, can not recruit qualified men and women to take the job. Enter Black Liars Matter and the moslime filth and the mexican rapists and drug dealers.

    Take a damn good look at your local police force today and see if you think they can still be relied upon to stand up to these animals. I can tell you most likely the answer is NO.

    In some states they are already so desperate they are hiring non citizen green card holders to be police officers. California is one of them. Swearing to uphold a constitution and laws s of a country they are not even citizens of…

    Part of the goal is to hi Jack our nation’s police forces and change whom it is that fills their ranks. Black Liars Matters are executing our police officers, demonizing our police officers, and our traitorous politicians are persecuting our police officers. And the results are what they want. Whites are saying “fuck that, I would have to be crazy to take that job”. And they are not.

    The black scum, the moslime filth, the Farakhan soldiers, the drug dealing gang bangers… are all your future police officers. Then when you reseated on that plane and that moslime filth start pushing the flight crew around and getting in your wife, mother, or daughters face and scaring the shit out of them who will come to the rescue ????

    Think about where this is all going. You can not rely on the faggot men that sob with guilt for using the word “she” to fight this bacteria. Nor the homosexuals, Bruce Jenners, or Bernie Sanders college brigade either. Arm yourselves and be proficient and willing to protect YOURSELF and your FAMILY. You may be the only one you can rely on.

  4. My thought too, what was said above….they determined there weren’t any sky marshals on-board. Surprising that these guys weren’t quickly straightened out by passengers in the vicinity.

  5. I guarantee you that some passengers were establishing contact with each other and planning to MacGyver available stuff. I carry a disassembled slingshot and ball bearings when I fly, and I’m sure that at least three other passengers on any given flight are also resourceful and resolute.

    If TSA can handle the explosives, and that is a big “if” I know, we can handle the hand-to-hand, air marshal or no.

  6. It is no joke. I see a lot of young moslime filth in my gym. They are loners and very intense. When you look at them the bells go off. They radiate the vibe that they are psychotics. They would cripple most of the young males in the gym before they knew what was coming. Our kids are in La La land, fumbling with their I phones, comparing tattoos, staring at reruns of Kardasian on the tv monitors. These vermin are focused, dedicated, and training to kill them and have the koran, martyrdom and the waiting strippers on their mind.

    Being able to punch, choke, stab, hog tie etc… should be on every non islime persons mind when they are in confined public places with these savages, ESPECIALLY AIRPLANES !!!

    Stare them down, let them know you are ready. I have been in situations where I verbally told motherfuckers that were looking at me “you have the wrong person today motherfucker”. They get the message. Disrupt them, make them recalculate, they are expecting lambs. Warn your family and friends. You can do it in a nice way but get the point across.

    Nobody is here to protect you anymore. Its a false barrier and they realize that. The Police and Feds are here to recover corpses and clean up crime scenes. the most you will get is an empty promise to hold the people responsible for killing your loved ones. Like Benghazi….

  7. How does that square with the muslima cunt suing an airline she works for because she doesn’t want to hand out drinks? I hate koranimals and their enablers with every fiber of my being and complete genocide is too good for them.

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