Flights of Fancy with Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Flights of Fancy with Joe Biden

Patriot Retort:

Yesterday, Joe Biden got caught telling a completely fabricated tall tale about the time he bravely faced danger in Afghanistan to pin a medal on a soldier.  Nearly every detail is incorrect.  But that’s par for the course where Joe Biden is concerned. Joe had a tendency to get caught in flights of fancy.  But the funny part in this instance was him actually saying, “This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.”

Right. As if Joe Biden’s word has any value.

Joe is like the anti-Forrest Gump. He bravely inserts himself into stories in which he never appeared. Or he recasts himself in a starring role when, in reality, he was nothing but a day player standing in the background.

His flights of fancy have nothing to do with his declining age.  Joe’s been peddling fictional accounts of his life ever since he entered politics.  Who can forget when he lifted the life story of a British MP named Neil Kinnock and passed it off as his own origin tale.

I don’t get it.  I really don’t.

Why can’t this man simply utter a true statement? His embellishments have embellishments. Is Joe such an insecure fellow that he has to portray himself as some kind of hero bravely staring down danger?

When I was a little kid, I pretended that actress June Lockhart was my mother-in-law.  I had no idea what a mother-in-law was, but since I already had a mother, I decided June would be my mother-in-law.

Every now and then, my Mom would ask me, “So how’s your mother-in-law?”  I’d launch into an elaborate story about all the adventures we had together. Those stories were really quite detailed.

Flights of fancy from a child are totally normal.

But Joe Biden is an adult.  And this kind of fictionalizing is all kinds of queer.

Last night on Tucker Carlson, Mark Steyn had a glorious time mocking Biden’s flights of fancy.

12 Comments on Flights of Fancy with Joe Biden

  1. Tales of Daring Do, with the Incredible Joe Biden … the Real Captain America!

    I remember the time I volunteered, as Vice-President (before I was Senator America), because no one cares about the life of a vice-president. We are expendable, after all. Anyways, that doesn’t matter because I am always ready for the call of stupendenance in the name of freedom & stuff … it seems that the Al Quedaban & that Bin-Laden Milosovich guy were acting up again, & we needed someone to go over there & slap some sense into them. Walk up to them, face to face & look ’em in the eye, & say, “Hey, buddy boy! Cut that crap out!” … slap ’em down, take ’em behind the gym & let them know who they’re dealing with, Man!

    We corkscrewed in to escape murderous fire from Jap Zeros & hand grenades. We ran across the tarmac under concentrated snipper fire. Hillary was panicking. I grabbed her, slapped her a couple of times, sniffed her hair & shoved her head down. She came to her senses, & yelled, “Hey, I ain’t one of Bill’s f*cking bimbos, ya know?! I barked back, “Look babe, you wanna live you do what I say! I don’t tolerate sassiness from bitches like you. Now, get behind me.” I ran over to the ceremonial delegation, which I remember had an Oompa Band & a children’s choir. I went up to a little girl holding a bunch of flowers … whadda call them? A bouquet? Yeah, that’s it, a bouquet. Anyhow, I grabbed the flowers, took a big horkin’ sniff of her hair, massaged her chest & gave her a big, sloppy, wet tongue-kill & gave the flowers to Hillary. It had an immediate calming effect on her. I quipped, “You don’t have to thank me, babe”.

    I had to land Boeing 7,997 due to the whole flight crew coming down with a severe case of diarrhea, due to eating too much Chipolte guacamole buffarito. I had the foresight to insist on my usual rider of angel hair pomodoro, Caprese salad and raspberry sorbet with biscotti.

    The four-star Admirals that were flying in with me were cowering behind the wheels of the massive aircraft. I leaped across the tarmac, slapped all the Rear Generals, grabbed all their medals & pinned them on the chests of the brave warriors that fought to the very last man, by my side. He was a proud African-American. He cried, “Don’t do it, sir. We all died!”

    And that’s how I met clean, articulate Best Friend Forever, Barack America. This is the God’s truth. My word as a Biden.

  2. We talk about Joe’s condition like it is new…He’s always been

    a moron…But the internet caught up with Him…Good Ole Back slappin

    Joe has gone the wayside in the Era of instant info.

    We need to change the nomenclature of older toys…It’s now a

    “Joe-in-the-Box” And every turn of the handle reveals a new

    surprise for His handlers.

  3. Biden got away with his racism years ago when said about Obama: “you got the “FIRST” African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
    The media ignored Fredrick Douglas. The media did not jack Biden up.. “The First” articulate African American?
    How about Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Dr. Ben Carson.Larry Elders, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas,
    Martin Luther King????
    It’s obvious that Biden never read a book in his life and never really rubbed shoulders with people other than white elitists. Kennedy.Kerry, Dodge, etc.
    Biden is a blithering idiot!

  4. Don’t forget his most outrageous lie. Remember that he falsely blamed the death of his first wife and young daughter on a drunken driver for decades. This lie destroyed the life of the sober driver whose vehicle was struck by Mrs. Biden’s car. This wasn’t the result of Our Joey’s gaffe prone brain pan misfiring. It was a deliberate attempt to gain sympathy and join the battle against drunk driving as a victim of that behavior.


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