Flip-Flop: Amy Klobuchar Says English Should Not Be Official Language of U.S. – IOTW Report

Flip-Flop: Amy Klobuchar Says English Should Not Be Official Language of U.S.


Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said at a recent campaign stop that English should not be the official language of the United States, even though she voted for a pro-English language bill during her time in the Senate.

Klobuchar said at the campaign event in Las Vegas on Friday that she has “taken a strong position against” the English-language amendment, which she voted in support of in 2007, the Associated Press reported.

“I think that when you look at a state like this state, and a country like ours that is so diverse, you don’t want to have that provision in law because then it would be very difficult to have, say, government documents and other things translated into other languages,” she said Friday, according to AP. MORE

32 Comments on Flip-Flop: Amy Klobuchar Says English Should Not Be Official Language of U.S.

  1. Mostly I feel like a foreigner in my own country when I’m out and about. Around here, there’s more polish, mexican, swahili, chinese and ebonics spoken than English, by far. There’s no need to learn English. Not allowed to say Christmas or Jesus or Easter, but it’s fine and dandy if a parent wants to follow their kid to school and give a speech about allah or kwanza or buddah in broken English for the sole sake of “educating students about their beliefs.”

  2. @Bad_Brad February 15, 2020 at 11:27 pm

    > It doesn’t appear to me that any Libtard candidates want any white people voting for them. And I’m good with that.

    To quote Janet Weiss: “Oh, Brad.”

    The point of the primary is to prove how “God damn, America!” they really, truly, are. That way all the suburban moms can do the right thing, in November.

  3. No english for you.

    “English is Now the Mandated International Language of Aviation. The International Civil Aviation Organisation has decreed that from 1 January 2008 all Air Traffic Controllers and Flight Crew Members engaged in or in contact with international flights must be proficient in the English language as a general spoken medium and not simply have a proficiency in standard ICAO Radio Telephony Phraseology.”

  4. Trump had pushed the dem party so far to the left they are pandering for any scraps of votes they can get.
    We now see them for the socialists overlords they are.
    Let them all fight and make fools of themselves. And may the weakest one of them come out as the dems candidate to run against Trump.

  5. Engrish IS the official language of the United States of America and has been since it beat out German around the time of the Revolution.
    Our founding documents are written in Engrish.
    Not Greek.
    Not Latin.
    Not French.
    Not German.
    Not Hindi.
    Not Urdu.
    Not Spanish.
    Not Portuguese.
    Not Celt.
    Not Gaelic.

    See how that works, you fukkin idiot?
    Defend America from all enemies – foreign AND DOMESTIC!
    And from alien ideologies and alien systems of oppression (socialism, for instance).

    Another Dem spreading her asscheeks, for any, and all, comers (metaphorically).
    No discernible principles.

    izlamo delenda est …


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