Flip Flops: Kasich and Flake are now FOR the Iran Deal – IOTW Report

Flip Flops: Kasich and Flake are now FOR the Iran Deal

Breitbart: Remember how during the 2016 presidential primary those oh-so principled Never Trumpers kept warning us that Donald Trump was a con man, a faux conservative, a secret Democrat making promises (including about exiting the Iran deal) he had no intention of keeping? Remember how those oh-so principled Never Trumpers told us that anyone who believed Trump’s promises was a bumpkin, a hillbilly, a yokel, a jake, a hick, a clodhopper, a Grade A hayseed?

Well, here we sit 15 months into Trump’s presidency, a presidency where he has proved to be the most promising-keeping-sumbitch-of-a-president in my lifetime. And here is Never Trump once again proving themselves to be the true soy boy swindlers.

Yes, while Trump kept his promise to exit the disastrous Iran deal, a promise he made countless times on the campaign trail, look who was actually lying to us — no less than oh-so principled Never Trump Resistance Leaders Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Gov. John Kasich (R-OH),  who were both against the Iran deal before they were for it.

With an 18 percent approval rating in his home state, and to avoid a humiliating primary loss, Flake has wisely chosen not to run for re-election. But when he still thought he would have to face voters, Flake strongly and publicly opposed the Iran deal.

“While Congress has received assurances from the administration that it does not forfeit its ability to impose sanctions on Iran for behavior on the non-nuclear side, these assurances do not square with the text of the [agreement],” Flake said (quite correctly) at the time.

But now, we know that this Never Trumper was hustling us because now, Flake is magically in favor of the Iran deal and is even slamming Trump (on far-left CNN, naturally) for keeping his promise to withdraw: more here

18 Comments on Flip Flops: Kasich and Flake are now FOR the Iran Deal

  1. Trumps keeping all his promises except the ones that matter… No wall, no end to NAFTA, and Illegals flooding back in. I still support him but I don’t care about the Iran deal, I don’t care about North Korea…. stop allowing Immigrants into our country and Iran can’t harm us, or for that matter nobody can harm us.

  2. My good friend HD emailed me this morning and remarked “Juan Williams is an asshole.” I replied, “In Spades.” And now the mailman’s son shows up with his two cents. All I can do it pray for America. I just finished reading Rush Limbaugh’s interview with Dr. Thomas Sowell.(The Limbaugh Letter, May 2018).
    “When I get a clean bill of health i’m relieved, but the second thing that comes to my mind,frankly, is I may live to see this country destroyed in front of my eyes.” Dr.Thomas Sowell.
    Not funny, but I feel the same way. There being so many anti Americans and anti American attitudes in this country, how can we survive?
    Except throogh Prayer and Faith.

  3. Just like Charlie down in Fla they have always been and are BUSH REPUBLICANS! If this is new to you you need to – TAKE OUT YOUR WALLETS AND PAY ATENTION!

  4. Great questions by Al Capp, Cartoonist.(RIP)
    Senator Do you still beat your wife?
    Just a yes or no answer please Senator.
    Please Senator Kennedy, just a yes or no answer please, I am running out of time.
    Mr. Biden Are you enjoying your puberty?
    Just a yes or no answer please, I am running out of time and I don’t want to really listen to your horseshit.
    Damn I wish I could get a shot at asking questions of these cork sookers!
    Just answer the phucking question.


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