Flori-dems Angry That Illegal Alien Caught Driving Without A License Will Be Deported – IOTW Report

Flori-dems Angry That Illegal Alien Caught Driving Without A License Will Be Deported

IACR: COLLIER COUNTY, FL (News Channel 5) – Dozens rallied outside of the county courthouse in Collier County, Florida on Friday in support of an undocumented immigrant facing deportation following a traffic stop.

Juan Daniel Gonzalez Lopez was arrested for driving without a license on Feb. 6 and is now facing deportation under a program called 287 G. The program allows deputies to initiate the deportation process for an illegal immigrant in the county jail system.

“How on earth is a man driving home to see his family from work, how is he a violent offender?” said Brian Oliva Infante.

Critics of the program said after meeting with Sheriff Kevin Rambosk in December, they were under the impression only illegal immigrants with a violent past would be deported.

“Now we are betrayed, and we will not stand for it,” said Mandy Bayer, head of the Collier County Young Democrats.

15 Comments on Flori-dems Angry That Illegal Alien Caught Driving Without A License Will Be Deported

  1. So it’s ok for my 15 year-old son to hop in a car to see his buddies? We have a driver licence for a reason…the reason is death to the law-abiding innocents on the roads.

  2. Funny how laws work. Those who will not respect the border laws tend not to respect the driving and insurance laws. Look at the baby killed in an ambulance. How many years have we been waiting for an illegal to do that as the nail in the coffin? Yet, the Left persists.

    As long as the perpetrator is illegal or a member of an oppressed class, no harm no fowl according to the Left. Just like how they wouldn’t stand for parents (of color no less) to honor their murdered children.

    BTW>>>to the Left, you suck at social justice, just in case no one has ever told you.

  3. VIOLENT has nothing to do with it. He broke the law.

    When it comes to GUNS, the liberals want to make sure you are an absolutely perfect citizen with every stamp, permit, background check, mental health check, no history of depressants, not live within 1000 meters of a school zone, and anything else they can dream up, but an illegal caught breaking the law, the law really doesn’t apply.

  4. “dozens rallied around the courthouse”

    how many were illegal aliens who drove there without drivers licenses ?

    so if you get a dozen people to agree with you then it’s ok to break the law ?

  5. “Now we are betrayed, and we will not stand for it”

    No lampposts in Collier County? Oh, I’m sorry, you meant “you will not stand for it.” Who says assimilation doesn’t work?

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