Florida beaches and parks have begun reopening – IOTW Report

Florida beaches and parks have begun reopening

Influential coronavirus model reduces Florida’s projected deaths by over 70%.

Just The News: A major coronavirus model on Friday radically revised downward the number of expected COVID-19 deaths in Florida, painting a relatively optimistic picture for the state even as its governor had earlier received criticism for refusing to lock it down until the beginning of April. 

The “Murray Model,” developed by scientists out of the University of Washington and repeatedly cited by White House officials over the course of the pandemic, had earlier this week projected 4,748 deaths from the coronavirus through August. On Friday the scientists in charge of the model sharply downgraded those estimates, now projecting a total of 1,363 deaths over the course of the spring and summer.  keep reading

8 Comments on Florida beaches and parks have begun reopening

  1. Fake News is already showing Jacksonville Beach packed to the Gills

    Webcam shows an entirely different Picture….F8cking assholes!!!

    Open the Country…Lets ROCK…and then beat the ever lovin Hell out

    of China!

  2. Televised news is like a trip to a theme park, The only reality they establish is within the park where they have complete control. Once you are outside the park it all fades away,

  3. Throughout this whole pandemic, my unbleached elastic starfish has not only been open for my Petey B’s business but my unbleached elastic starfish has been WIDE OPEN for my Petey B’s business. And my Petey B’s business on my WIDE OPEN unbleached elastic starfish is better than ever!

  4. It seems like just a few says ago that they were screaming about Spring-Breakers in FL. They were tracking the kids’ phones to show how they were spreading teh covids everywhere. And now the beaches are open? What an amazing recovery.

  5. I traveled about an hour and half away today, drove across the second largest city in the state. Although there weren’t many businesses open, the roads were packed.
    People were in fast food parking lots, sitting in the beds of their trucks and on the hoods and trunks of their cars talking to each other. In one abandoned strip center, the parking lot was full of cars and people gathered talking to each other. I guess they’ve decided if you’re going to show up at the parks forcing us to leave, we’ll just take advantage of parking lots for human interaction.

    I won’t say where we went or how many people were there or what we were doing because if some snitch read it and put two and two together it would get the place in trouble for more than 10 gathered at a non-essential sort of business. I’m kind of a hermit and don’t really like crowds or most people, but it was enjoyable talking to like minded people who don’t look at you with terror in their eyes that you may be carrying the plague.
    So if I who most of the time prefer being a homebody enjoyed human interaction, I can only imagine how ready social butterflies want and need human interaction.

    It’s like a friend on FB told me tonight that for weeks she had not seen, hugged or kissed her grandkids and today she decided enough was enough. If she died today of a heart attack or any other of the many things that could kill her, she didn’t want her last days on earth to be stuck in her home not seeing her grandkids. That she didn’t want her grandkids last memory of her to be that she was stuck inside her home. She wants their last memory to be of her playing with them, hugging them tight and them knowing how much she loved them. It’s time to live, because just breathing is not living, living is doing what you enjoy in life and being with family. Without that you might as well be dead.

    So I think regardless of what the polls say, regardless of what the media says or what government says, many people have had enough and have decided they’re getting back to living one way or the other.


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