Florida Bill Offers Gov’t Cash to Families Who Surrender Educational Liberty – IOTW Report

Florida Bill Offers Gov’t Cash to Families Who Surrender Educational Liberty

The New American: Florida lawmakers are considering a major bill that would offer government funding to homeschoolers and families with children in private school, but with a major catch that has critics alarmed. The controversy: Once parents accept the public money, they will give up much of their educational freedom and independence. There is a battle raging already.  

The legislation, known as House Bill 1, requires that parents receiving public funding take government-approved tests every year. Because testing drives curriculum, and many (if not all) of the tests are aligned with the politically toxic Common Core, critics are warning that the bill would force many homeschoolers and private-school students back into the government system they fled. 

Another major concern with the bill among advocates of educational liberty is a mandate requiring families receiving the funding to meet annually with a so-called “Choice Navigator.” While the precise nature of the job remains unclear, the “navigators” would determine the supposed “educational needs” of each child, then work with parents to ensure those “needs” are met.  

State and national homeschool leaders have already sounded the alarm about the issues in emails to their membership. They are working mostly behind the scenes right now to get the concerns addressed, and potentially remove homeschool families from the legislation entirely. For now, families that do not take the money would not be affected.  MORE

64 Comments on Florida Bill Offers Gov’t Cash to Families Who Surrender Educational Liberty

  1. So much for the free state of FL. Most of the sponsors are Republicans.
    I wonder if DeSantis will sign if it passes both House and Senate.
    This will be very telling. It’s interesting he hasn’t spoken up about it.

  2. @ Heatsync

    Don’t care what letter is next to their name – they are Democrat by nature.

    @ Hear me Chiefs

    Yes, but the danger I see is your average Dem parent getting on board and screwing up the whole idea of home school as an alternative to Govt indoctrination – which we know is going to be the litmus test for what your child “needs”.

    I think a scholastic competition – with no woke subjects like CRT and climate fraud – should be the test of if your child is getting a proper education. Does Johnny know geography? Does Sally know algebra? Does Chris know what a woman is? Use of they/them pronouns for singular entities gets points deducted.

    Here we are wanting the Dept of Ed to be abolished and Florida wants into your home now?

    Definitely Dems by nature at work here.

  3. Very little is more expensive than “free” shit.

    Here … put your head into this noose and your balls into that vise and I’ll give you some free money!

    “I gotz me sum free benjamins, yo!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Florida patriots, especially parents, must fight this.

    Don’t be lulled by all the good stuff DeSantis has done. I’ve been hearing too many negatives regarding the governor. Not that they or any of stories are true, but you NEVER know until he sells you out OR backs you up.

    Stay skeptical, my friends.

  5. Because everything that government pays for work so well. See Baltimore or Chicago schools, wh not one student is proficient at grade level in math or or reading mind you it’s around $14,000 for 9 months of work.

  6. Let’s see how DeSantis handles this. My antenna is up with him. He might be more dangerous than Trump. Like I told my daughter who hightailed it to Florida, “politics change every 4 years.” Soros endorses DeSantis? Evil supports evil?

  7. Anyone here saying “George Soros endorsed DeSantis” is either gullible as hell and cannot do a modicum of research, is intentionally lying because they are ONLY Trumpers, or simply blathering idiots.

    Soros said “Trump’s ego will make him run 3rd party”, thus guaranteeing a dem victory.

    I see Kari Lake is being an idiot too, so you fools have some company.
    Well done!

  8. Speaking of Kari Lake, yesterday the Arizona Court of Appeals dismissed all her claims of voter fraud and sent her packing. After the ruling, she tweeted ,”On to the Arizona Supreme Court”, as if there is one chance in a thousand that it will come to a different conclusion.

  9. Soros did not endorse Trump. Read the transcript or you can listen to the audio.

    As far as DeSantis actually running? Doubtful. Turns out, as usual, when Trump makes accusations there’s some truth behind it. I found it. The timing of alleged events are damning.

  10. Rich, in one fell swoop Kari Lake’s credibility about election fraud in Arizona went ‘POOF’
    She tweets the easily disprovable lie that “Soros endorsed DeSantis.”

    It’s amazing to me those that cannot even comprehend the value of credibility.
    Show some integrity, don’t lie, prevaricate, bullshit the people on your side.
    It will pay off in the end.

  11. Brad, I supported the hell out of Kari.
    Now she is telling lies about DeSantis, who actually came to Arizona to campaign FOR HER!

    Dumb fucking bitch shot her credibility for what?
    Now people can point to her and say “see! She lies her ass off!”

  12. Again, what lies?

    I thought Lake should have kept her mouth shut too. We don’t need anymore gas on the fire. Everyone needs to stay in their own lane.
    DeSantis should have backed Trump. Even helped guide where the parties going. This is what Republicans always do and Libtards benefit from it. At the end of the day Mike Pompeo will be Trumps biggest threat. And I can see him running against Trump because Pompeo has always been a traditional, globalists, Republican.

    Again, what lies.

  13. Parents are the only “Choice Navigators”, period.

    It’s their money taken by government to fund public education.
    Parents should receive what they pay their public school district to be used for homeschool, help pay private or Christian Schools.

    More and more parents have chosen to abandon Public schools, as the public schools have abandoned the student’s education to teach social justice, socialist ideology and anti-American drivel.

  14. DeSantis is indeed Trump’s biggest threat.
    Still no need to tell outright lies.
    The internet exists and you can only fool some of the fools.

    Pompeo is polling at 1%.
    Most Americans couldn’t pick him out of a two-man police line up.
    He is a bland douchecanoe political wonk.

  15. From reports:
    Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on Thursday, Soros hinted that DeSantis was the superior politician in the likely field of 2024 Republican presidential candidates, even though DeSantis has not announced if he is running.

    Soros said that he hopes that DeSantis and Trump have a brutal primary fight and that he predicts DeSantis will win and that Trump’s ego will be so wounded by losing in the primaries that he will launch a third-party run to stop DeSantis from winning the presidency.

  16. BTW, I absolutely HATE having to blast those on “Our” side like Kari Lake & Mike Lindell.
    That said, the stakes are too high to put up with outright lies and bullshit.
    Take on your opponent with your record, and future agenda.
    Lies are what dems do.
    Don’t be a dem.
    Simple as that.

  17. That evil idiot bastard Soros is just trying to take some steam out of the Trump campaign. Pretty obvious.

    O.K., I’m telling you there’s some meat to the groomer thing. Which also involves an event that took place years later while DeSantis was serving as a Florida State prosecuting attorney.
    None of this matters to me. Remember the first debate in 2015? I think it was the first question asked. Do you consider yourself a Globalist. Everyones hand went up save one. Does DeSantis hand go up if asked the same question? If so I have no use for him and quite frankly that’s why Trump is so hated by the news media and the establishment. Let that sink in, he’s hated because he’s America first. And I’m here to tell you the man might have given China a death blow. Biden hasn’t been able to overturn the penalties Trump put on their products. Chinese Aluminum and steel is still about 20% more expensive than domestic.

  18. Sigh* So sad to see you are pushing the same “groomer” bullshit that came from DEMOCRAT oppo research.
    An old picture at a GRADUATION PARTY with 18 yr old women and a 22 yr old SINGLE Ron DeSantis, who had BEEN, but was NO LONGER THEIR TEACHER.
    No complaints, no charges, all fully clothed. WOW!
    Is that all you got?

    Amazing with Trump’s sexual history baggage that could fill an oil tanker, you go after Ron, who doesn’t even have a carry-on bag of dirty laundry.


  19. Brad, I will quote Daniel Kaffee ,”It doesn’t matter what I believe, it only matters what I can prove”.

    From the Revolver article today;

    “In a ruling on Thursday, the Arizona Court of Appeals wrote Lake, who claimed problems with ballot printers at some polling places on Election Day were the result of intentional misconduct, presented no evidence that voters whose ballots were unreadable by tabulators at polling places were not able to vote. The court said that even a witness called by Lake to testify had confirmed that ballots that couldn’t initially be read at polling places could still ultimately have their vote counted.”

    Even those ballots that were initially rejected because the machines could not read them, were all later hand-counted.

    Kari shot her load, now she needs to move on. And this is coming from a guy that sincerely hopes her political career is just starting.

    Yesterday I saw an interview with Sarah Palin saying that RDS should not run, it’s not his time and he should remain governor, and I’m thinking,”Why the hell not?”. I don’t get this,”Trump got cheated the last time, he deserves it and everyone else should just bow out”. This is not a coronation, it is a process. Whoever had the guts to enter the ring, he should do so and let the best man win, but this nonsense about deferring to his eminence, phooey!

  20. “I’m thinking,”Why the hell not?”. ”

    I’ll tell you why. First off does DeSantis consider himself a Globalist? If so I won’t vote for him. But the big reason people support Trump is because I think most of us feel Trump now knows the Deep State inside and out and he has a much better chance than any other candidate of dealing it a death blow. If DeSantis turns out to be an America first guy, he should follow Trump and serve for eight years. With a weakened swamp he could accomplish some great things. But the swamp will push their candidate to the for front. Is that DeSantis?

  21. DeSantis has FOUGHT against THE WEF and globalist with ACTUAL LEGISLATION Brad, and has the record to PROVE IT!
    Therefore the “Globalist” canard is a lie and a smear that is just as desperate as all the other lies and smears.

    Oh, BTW, “Where is the meat?”

  22. Republicans throw around the word “Globalist” as flippantly and irresponsibly as libs use the word “racist”, to the point where it is meaningless.

    It’s funny, Trump is on record as saying if RDS enters the race, it is a ,”great act of disloyalty” yet when Nicki Haley announces he says,”Well, she has to follow her heart”, there’s real consistency for you.

    “If DeSantis turns out to be an America first guy, he should follow Trump and serve for eight years.”

    Again, why should he? Can there only be one, “America first” candidate? Maybe RDS thinks,”Trump did some good things but he also made a bunch of mistakes, I can do better”.

    And I’m not endorsing RDS, I just want the process to play out as it’s supposed to. Whoever wins I will back.

  23. “Republicans throw around the word “Globalist” as flippantly and irresponsibly as libs use the word “racist”, ”

    Wow, where you been? I think if you worked in the manufacturing sector you’d feel totally different than that. In fact if you don’t believe Bushy Globalists have done a tremendous amount of harm to this country you’re one of the few.

  24. Rich

    I’m still baffled/shocked by that comment. Do you not think we have people in power in this country that crap all over our blue collar workers so their 401Ks look better by implementing a Pro China environment?
    That’s a big thing for the Maga crowd and I think why we see things differently. I want ALL of that work back here. Fuck the Chicoms.

  25. Loco
    And that’s the difference between our political views. I’m of the opinion 90% of our politicians get there and make a ton of money Lobbying for foreign countries for personal enrichment while selling American Labor and Americas best interest down the river. Most people call the Globalists. You and Rich don’t see it that way. I’m a hard core conservative America first guy. You guys talk like conservative lite. The term Globalist is the Rights Racists, are you kidding me? And I’m obtuse. OK.

  26. Looks like I’m late to the party here. Maybe Soros didn’t outright endorse DeSantis, but the fact that he is projecting a winner between Trump and DeSantis tells you he is going to do what he can to make that happen. He doesn’t say things just for the sake of hearing himself talk.

  27. Maybe my definition is different from yours. A Globalists;

    Does not believe in American Exceptionalism, thinks we are no better than all the other 194 countries in the world.
    He defers to world organizations (WHO,WEF,NATO,UN,ICOJ) over those of his own country.
    He believes that technologies and resources should be shared globally for the good of mankind.
    He shoots all foreign positions through the prism of what is best for the planet, not what is best for America.
    He believes that democracies are the same (no better) than any other form of government.
    He views economic progress as that which “lifts all world boats”.
    He does not view intellectual property theft as an act of hostility but as other nations trying to even the playing field.
    And, he has no allegiance to Americans specifically beyond viewing them as one cog of many in that wheel we call humanity.

    Is there anything I missed?

  28. joe6:
    From reports:
    Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on Thursday, Soros hinted that DeSantis was the superior politician in the likely field of 2024 Republican presidential candidates, even though DeSantis has not announced if he is running.

    Soros said that he hopes that DeSantis and Trump have a brutal primary fight and that he predicts DeSantis will win and that Trump’s ego will be so wounded by losing in the primaries that he will launch a third-party run to stop DeSantis from winning the presidency.

    Some “endorsement” huh?

  29. @joe6pak

    “but the fact that he is projecting a winner between Trump and DeSantis tells you he is going to do what he can to make that happen.”

    Yes, but not for the benefit of RDS. In his Machiavellian scenario, RDS gets the nomination and Trump goes third party, guaranteeing a Democrat will win and in the process, the entire Republican party is destroyed.

    And shame on both Gateway Pundit and Kari Lake for parroting this lie.

  30. Brad, you are a patriot, like most on this site, that is why I participate when I can. But there is more than one way to skin a cat. And if I come up with a different way, that does not mean I am any less passionate or committed to getting that damn cat skinned. I hope you get my meaning.

  31. Rich, your definition of “Globalist” cannot be even remotely correct.
    Ron DeSantis is not only NONE of that, does NONE of that, endorses NONE of that, he is the exact opposite of that.

    I’ll wait for the TRUE definition of globalist from Brad…

  32. Loco
    From above, “I’m of the opinion 90% of our politicians get there and make a ton of money Lobbying for foreign countries for personal enrichment while selling American Labor and Americas best interest down the river. ”

    Dan Crenshaws a Globalist. Nancy Peolosi is a Globalist. The Uniparty. Look at their bank accounts.
    I’m a high school educated business owner that’s done fairly well for myself. And I’m livid about the way our Government has treated my current and especially my former employees. I hope you get that.

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