Florida: Broward County Deputies Schedule No-Confidence Vote For Sheriff Scott Israel – IOTW Report

Florida: Broward County Deputies Schedule No-Confidence Vote For Sheriff Scott Israel

DC: The Broward Sheriff’s Office Deputies Association has scheduled a no-confidence vote for Sheriff Scott Israel over his behavior during the lead-up to and aftermath of the Parkland school shooting, union president Deputy Jeff Bell announced Friday.

The union is accusing Israel of “many instances of suspected malfeasance, misfeasance, failure to maintain fiduciary responsibility by the sheriff, failure to properly investigate possible criminal conduct by members of his senior command staff and the lack of leadership that has crushed morale throughout the agency.” more here

17 Comments on Florida: Broward County Deputies Schedule No-Confidence Vote For Sheriff Scott Israel

  1. I’m no fan of Scott Isreal, the Obama butt buddy. But LEO post up. Form a perimeter. Wait until everyones dead and then move in. That’s how they train. That’s what they do. Average school shooting is 6.5 minutes. If your to scared to confront the pimpled face shooter then fuck off and resign.

  2. “No confidence” vote? I have strong confidence in Sheriff Israel. I’m sure he will continue to be steadfastly just as full of shit and ideologically lobotomized as he has been ever since the national spotlight hit his ugly mug after the murders he helped eventuate.

  3. Israel and the the School Super should be tried for 17 counts of accessory before the fact of murder, obstruction of justice in allowing Cruz to be moved around from school to school and not responding to the myriad of complaints about him.

  4. Gee, It took 17 dead kids for these turds to speak up. So everything else that has been going on, for who knows how long, in the coward county sheriff’s dept. was A-O.K. with them. They are ALL guilty of the same charges that “hang” Israel.

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of Evil is for Good men to do nothing” -Edmund Burke


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