Florida: CAIR Wants Annabelle Lima-Taub Out Of Office – IOTW Report

Florida: CAIR Wants Annabelle Lima-Taub Out Of Office

Geller Report: CAIR is rallying the troops to force Florida’s Hallandale Beach City Commissioner Annabelle Lima-Taub out of office.

“Now Lima-Taub will face a demonstration outside her door. Multiple South Florida civil- and immigrant-rights groups, including the Muslim-rights groups Emgage and the South Florida Muslim Federation, plan to hold a news conference in Hallandale Beach City Commission chambers Wednesday. The groups will demand that Lima-Taub apologize for her comments claiming, despite zero evidence, that Tlaib might bomb government buildings. Multiple other activist groups plan to attend. Among them are the Florida Immigrant Coalition, the New Florida Majority, the Jewish Voice for Peace, and Jews Against Anti-Muslim Racism.”

“But Lima-Taub’s statements went much further than simply criticizing Tlaib’s stance on Israel as a nation. Lima-Taub instead conflated criticism of Israel with criticism of Jews. Then she got outright racist by claiming Tlaib might be a terrorist in disguise.”

This is a complete inversion of fact. Ms. Lima-Taub was not referring to all Muslims when she said Rashida Tlaib might blow up the capital. She was drawing attention to Tlaib’s provocative, and flamboyant anti-Israel statements and actions.  MORE

5 Comments on Florida: CAIR Wants Annabelle Lima-Taub Out Of Office

  1. Read about this elsewhere. This is no different than what they’re doing to the Catholic kids. A strong, brave young patriot, this woman needs our support. She only spoke the truth. It’s time to take a stand.

    Why the Hell are islamists in this Country, anyways? Yea, I know the answer. The godless left want them here to help destroy our Republic.

  2. Foreigners? Running Party apparatchiks out of office!? Actually DOING it!?

    How DARE they!?

    Patriots! and Oathkeepers! and True Conservatives! called dibs. Years. Decades. Generations. Ago.

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