Florida Democrat Charlie Crist Hired Liberal Activist Facing ‘Campus-Wide Allegations of Sexual Assault’ – IOTW Report

Florida Democrat Charlie Crist Hired Liberal Activist Facing ‘Campus-Wide Allegations of Sexual Assault’

Florida governor Ron DeSantis’s (R.) top Democratic opponent paid thousands of dollars to a young liberal activist who is facing “campus-wide allegations of sexual assault” at his former Ivy League school.

On July 8, Democrat Charlie Crist’s gubernatorial campaign paid $2,250 to Politically Correct Strategies—a consulting company registered to Gen Z liberal activist and former Dartmouth student Jack Cocchiarella—for “digital consulting.” Just weeks later, on July 28, the prestigious school’s College Democrats chapter revealed it ousted Cocchiarella from the club “in late October 2021, following campus-wide allegations of sexual assault.” Those allegations emerged publicly in a string of December 2021 Reddit posts, which accused Cocchiarella of using “his Twitter notoriety and left-wing credentials to position himself as an ally. Then, once people let their guards down, he rapes them.”

Crist, who did not return repeated requests for comment, has remained silent on the accusations facing his campaign aide. By his own logic, that silence means he endorses Cocchiarella’s alleged behavior—in a June 29 tweet, Crist pressed DeSantis to condemn the January 6 riots, writing, “Is it just me, or do you agree that his silence = endorsement?”

Crist is not the only prominent Democrat to hire Cocchiarella following the troubling allegations. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R., Ga.) Democratic opponent, Marcus Flowers, has paid Cocchiarella’s firm more than $40,000 since October 2021, when the activist announced his “new role” as Flowers’s digital director.

Flowers has his own alleged issues with women. In July 2016, the Democrat attempted to dump his ex-wife—Russian national Svetlana Chudinova—at a local homeless shelter, court documents reported by the New Republic show. Flowers did not dispute the incident and instead defended his attempt to offload Chudinova, saying he “felt she had a personality disorder that was not previously disclosed.” In turn, Chudinova accused Flowers of threatening to strike her.
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2 Comments on Florida Democrat Charlie Crist Hired Liberal Activist Facing ‘Campus-Wide Allegations of Sexual Assault’

  1. Bottom line, when I was in college the leftist activist power structure consisted of either sexual predators and/or abusive sonsabitches and that applied without exception. Now, here is where it gets controversial. Coeds were lining up to be next. Then the crying and caterwauling as though they had been victimized and betrayed by everyone when they knew the score going in. The allure of enjoying the perks that come from proximity to power is just too much for all too many of the idiots not to volunteer to be next in line. Then, they have some unreasonable expectation that the school is going to do anything but add insult to injury when the most likely events to occur in the future is the history of what they have done in the past.

    Now, if they had learned anything by that experience their “college education” would have amounted to something of value. I’ll let you do the math on that one.

    As for the legal system coming in on their side? I was hauled on the carpet for beating the living shit out of a pervert butt grabber and lecher and the bastards were more concerned that it would come out that they themselves had secretly set up an opportunity at Western State mental hospital for roaming packs of sexual offenders to attend college program on the sly at Pierce College. No dice, says I. I will not sign anything in exchange for having this go away. I want to be charged and prosecuted to the full extent the law allows. Let’s try this case in the newspapers and on news broadcasts. “Yes, ladies and gentlemen on the jury, Yes, I sucker punched him from behind and that left him unable to defend himself. Yes, I did knowingly and with malicious intent continue beating him beyond what was necessary to end the behavior he was engaging in, but not nearly to the extent he had coming.” That quietly ended any and all further mention of any discipline and the mighty noticer of any injustice they can exploit to advance the progressive agenda, had no interest in letting their readers know about the super secret State program that hides the fact that packs of sexual predators are being placed among their daughters.


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