Florida Democrat Sen. Daphne Campbell Keeps Calling The Cops On Reporters She Doesn’t Like – IOTW Report

Florida Democrat Sen. Daphne Campbell Keeps Calling The Cops On Reporters She Doesn’t Like

DC: Florida state Sen. Daphne Campbell, a Democrat who is running for re-election in state’s 38th District, called police on Thursday to report Miami Herald reporter Sarah Blaskey.

Blaskey was covering a debate between Campbell and her Democratic opponent Jason Pizzo at the time.

The Miami Herald reported:

A responding North Miami Beach officer who declined to give his name explained that police had been called by Campbell about threats made by a woman in a floral dress — a clear reference to the attire of Herald reporter Sarah Blaskey.


22 Comments on Florida Democrat Sen. Daphne Campbell Keeps Calling The Cops On Reporters She Doesn’t Like

  1. When she really needs police, they will not bother to dhow up. Or they can start charging her $100 for the second call, $200 for the third, $300 for the fourth, and so on.

  2. This creates a pretty interesting conflict for the DNC and the MSM.

    1)They bash Trump for saying that the press is the enemy of the people (guess Trump missed the memo that it is the enemy black women)

    2)They bash white people for daring to call the police when there is a conflict with black people and want that to stop.

    Doesn’t fit the narrative, nothing to see here, move along everyone…….

  3. Hohree Mohree. Daft-knee is 15 lbs of sausage stuffed in a 5 lb casing.
    I don’t reside in her district, never heard of her, and odds are neither have her “constituments”. Is she, by chance, related to Loretta Lynch?

  4. WTF is this? Those are not even Cankles. Kamala, move aside lite-weight This diversity planet-sized trash is the next Obama! For $150 bucks, NASA and the CDC could drone and quarantine this thing. CDC for hemorrhoids, NASA for Asteroids. F’ me,,, be back later after mopping up my vomit.

  5. Be interesting to see what would happen to her if she got her apparent wish and no reporter ever covered her again……ever.
    Be careful what you wish for, bitch, you may get it…… and not like it.

  6. If the press conference had taken place at a Waffle House, Florida Democrat Sen. Daphne Campbell {AKA Medusa} would have taken matters into her own hands; just calling the cops was a step up for her.


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