A group of fishermen in Florida may have broken a state record on April 15 after they caught a reported 832-pound bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico.

The weight of the fish and its picture were posted to social media by HarborWalk Marina. The boat, No Name, was led by Captain Jake Matney and crewed by deckmates Devin Sarver and Jett Tolbert, according to a report. MORE
The No Names was what I was calling The Washington Football Team, but congrats to the crew – they’ll have a real fish story to tell now.
What’d they catch, Stacey Abrams??
that’s gonna take a lot of mayo!
That’s worth a ton, TON, of money.
We’re gonna need a bigger bun.
Dude was tired at the end of that 3 hour fight……
MAY 1, 2022 AT 10:16 PM
“That’s worth a ton, TON, of money.”
Considering how little I’ve made money worth, that’s probably littr…lit ally…liberally…you know, the thing!
There was probably a private Japanese jet waiting at the closest airport soon as he set the hook.
a blast from the past
That’s one hell of a lot of sushi. Yum!
Sorry, Charlie.
Florida FYI from where this was caught:
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is excited to announce the eighth annual Lionfish Removal and Awareness Festival May 14 and 15 at HarborWalk Village in Destin. Come out and celebrate the fight against invasive lionfish with the FWC and Destin–Fort Walton Beach.
Activities will include fillet demonstrations; family-friendly games and activities; art, diving and conservation booths; and the world’s largest lionfish spearfishing tournament, the Emerald Coast Open. Satisfy your taste buds by visiting any of the participating locations of Lionfish Restaurant Week (May 8-14) for your chance to try this delicious invasive fish.
FWCReefRangers dot com
Loco, never had lionfish, is it good?
After almost a 4hr fight that meat won’t be grade A. 80 degree water & 85 degree air & they probably didn’t have enough ice for the beer let alone that fish. I’ll pass.
A caught a Lying Bass one time in the middle of a tournament. He kept telling me he was a green trout.
Easily 8 times bigger than anything I ever pulled on deck. Ashamed to have ever called myself a lowly deckhand.
To Lola, the deck hand.
joe6, Lionfish taste fantastic!
Kind of a dichotomy considering they are an invasive specie.
Small fillets but flaky, white and very tasty.
Not fishy at all.
When I lived in Panama City Beach they had Lionfish harvests and free cookouts every Summer.
Good times!
You’re a bug bait fisherman. These guys fought a damn monster.
I’m thoroughly impressed with the line and tackle set up. And doubly impressed with the guys in the chair. 4 hours ain’t a sluggin’ match. That took brains and brawn.
Clueless as to the logistics of getting nearly half a ton on board.
I ain’t even like Florida, but hatz off to these guys.
I pursed seined fish for one summer in Alaska and we caught a net full of salmon that weighed in at 56,700 lbs….The skipper of that boat now catches over 100,000 pounds in a few nets over the season….Bigger newer boat and a bunch of boats just quit fishing. Less competition….
Burr don’t like Florida but President DeSantis is going to make the United States of Florida and I’m 100% here for that!
I don’t like Florida because it’s flat. And muggy.
But I would fly there just to hear exactly how this tuna story went down. Willy did a summer in Alaska, I did a summer out of San Luis Obispo. Normal, tedious, hateful commercial fishing. The biggest things we caught were sharks.
Florida to me means swordfish. Those can get big but most are waaay smaller. Just never heard of anyone catching 800 pounds of tuna on a line before.
Sorta’ mind blowing.
A million dollar fish in Japan! Get that thing on ice qujick!
Burr, Destin is in the Panhandle and has good airflow from the Gulf, thus less muggie.
It can get relatively cold in the Winter.
I’ve caught small Sailfish in the Keys trolling from a charter.
The thing about Florida is the variety of fishing available.
Fishing in the Atlantic vs the Gulf.
Keys fishing in Islamorada is awesome.
If you search videos on YouTube, “Life By The Bow” are a married couple that produce AWESOME videos of fishing down there.
The production value of the videos is the best I’ve ever seen online.
Not BSing, give them a watch…
OMGoodness. My hands down favorite sushi is a blue fin roll. The melody of flavor is wonderful. There is probably 3 oz(?) of tuna in it. Last time I had one in the late 00’s it was about $35.
Like Brad said, there were ready buyers.
Wow Loco, that sounds pretty cool. Pacific fishing is….12 foot seas, constant wind and chilly temps. Well….not always. But enough of the time that when we took charters of valley men out of the bay and into the swell…all I could think was “you poor bastards are f*cked.”
Burr, what interesting is you’re describing NorCal water. Make no mistake, SoCal ain’t Florida, but it’s one hell of a lot flatter.
Burr, that reminds me of a time in Cocoa Beach on the Atlantic.
They had unusually rough seas, 12-14 ft that day and only one charter went out.
I definitely joined the pot for biggest and most fish because I knew sumbitches would get sick.
Damn near everyone did.
Me, I fished my ass off and won both pots.
Caught shark, snapper-multiple varieties, small grouper-damn! and a few kinds I had never seen before.
Seasickness is mind over matter to me.
Of course it took days before the wave motion wore off.
It is?
The hell did I waste my time in Slo Town when I could have worked out of Dago?
FLAT Pacific water?
Now I feel dumb AND inadequate as a commercial fisherman. I actually thought I was outsmarting the guys that went to Alaska.
“Seasickness is mind over matter to me.”
Not me. I was sick as a dog, praying for death my first few trips. Is why I was always so sympathetic to the clients. Been there.
But it was humorous sometimes. Literally every passenger horizontal and I had to go around to each pole and set the bait, lower the line and check for hits. Reel them up, Toss them in their cooler or the live well and move on. Dead silence.
Until we got back in the bay. Then everyone got up and bragged about how much fish they caught.
What gets me is when Californians say they have better beaches than Florida…HAH!
In Florida you don’t need shoes to walk on rocky, brown, nasty sand.
You don’t need a fucking wet-suit to enter the cold-assed water.
You can walk out several hundred feet without dropping into the G-D Mariana Trench.
You won’t come out of the water glowing from radioactivity via a soiled Fukushima reactor.
A Great Fucking White won’t munch your ass…fair-well and aideu to ye fair Spanish Ladies…
Hands fucking down!!!
True story.
I got sick on a charter when I was 12 yrs old.
Years later I read a book about mind over matter.
I was afraid to go on a charter again until I read that.
I was determined to test it out.
Whether it was confidence, determination, adrenaline or whatever…it fucking worked.
I was not going to get sick and decades later and many fishing trips and cruises later I know what mindset to have and it’s worked flawlessly.
AND, even SoCal water is FUCKING COLD. I’m taking frightened turtle cold.
Go to Cordova Alaska and befriend an Injun (native) guide…..You’ll get between a 200lb and 100Olb halibut on your rod….You’ll probably need to use the boats winch eventually….They fight hard for awhile and then come up like a floating barn door…..My dream fishing spot would be fishing Halibut all summer just outside Ketchemak bay all summer and then fishing for winter king salmon the rest of the year in that bay….Occassional visits to the Alaskan bush company…..Winter kings are like eating wagyu beef….
France pees in the Atlantic. Nuff’ said.
Besides, you can surf in Cali. Never thought much about the cold. Grew up with it. Pacific isn’t as salty as the Atlantic. Don’t feel as sticky when getting out of the ocean.
However…yes. we do have great white sharks. They breed off the Farallon islands. Makes life more interesting.
But there is one thing that I can do in Cali that I can’t in Florida. Go surfing in the morning and then drive up to Big Bear to go skiing.
I don’t recommend it as the two times I did it I wound up exhausted. And I didn’t even drive. But it is possible.
Also, Mexican spices. Don’t care for Cuban spices.
“100Olb halibut”
Unbelievable. That’s bigger than a fuggin SEA LION.
Burr, Sebastian Inlet has awesome surfing and you can actually be shark-bit.
Granted they are small reef-sharks but still…
Don’t know if I would want to be swiveling my hips coming down a snowy mountain with beach-sand in my crotch but to each his own?
It was a dare that I thought no one would act on. The second time was to prove to skeptics that it could be done.
I’ve only been to Florida a few times. Never even considered fishing there as mentioned above, the water and air are warm. I like cold water for my fishies.
But dang….the idea of sittin’ in the chair when a 500 pound swordfish hits….wowee!! No clue how I would handle a giant tuna. No idea what they do when they hit the bait. In reality, for me, anything over 250 pounds sounds incredible.
Every time I fish in Key West we go out on a cheap party-boat and catch a mess of fish.
The mate will clean them free, of course us white folks will tip him.
You then take your iced caught fillets to damn near any local restaurant and they will cook them, blackened, fried, or whatever you want and include side items for a reasonable fee.
Well, Burr I tried to find the world record for halibut and all I could find was about 4to500 hundred pounds…..I assure you I saw pictures of one that was wider then the beam of the boat and the beam was 10 ft….Long liner injun guy whose family had been fishing there for how many hundreds of years?…..Other boats used to follow him and he would fake drop and fake drop his lines. Then he would put them in where he wanted. His family was a legend….He had a completely white name like Jimmy something or other….nice guy….
I live in the desert now. We have good beef. Local, grass fed. Can literally watch some of them grow from calves to market.
That’s about it.
Burr, if you go snorkeling you can basically do the same thing…
I’ve caught much bigger Tuna than that.
It was an angry sea …
I’m making a tuna fish sandwich for my lunch today, good stuff Maynard.