FLORIDA: Flagler County Sheriff’s welcome sign for his county jail is pretty funny – IOTW Report

FLORIDA: Flagler County Sheriff’s welcome sign for his county jail is pretty funny

BPR: Signs for the “Green Roof Inn” in one Florida county are actually aimed at discouraging potential visitors from checking in.

That’s because the green neon signs, with an accompanying red “Vacancy” sign, are advertising for the Flagler County Jail.

Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly has been referring to the county jail as the “Green Roof Inn” for more than a year, according to the Daytona Beach News-Journal. Three new signs with the nickname were unveiled Thursday at the corrections complex in Bunnell – all paid for with drug-seized assets.

A list of “accommodations” touted what “guests” of the jail can enjoy during their stay: No privacy, group bathrooms and showers, no meal selection, and free transportation to the courthouse or state prison. Guests are also promised color-coordinated, free “designer” clothing and designer “jewelry” – otherwise known as “handcuffs & leg irons.”

“The purpose of the signs is crime prevention,” Staly said. “It is a warning to potential offenders that the jail is not a 5-star hotel. When you get arrested, we provide the minimum accommodations as required by law. Once an offender ‘checks-in’ they lose their basic freedoms. They don’t decide what to eat, wear, or do with their day.”  Go See

7 Comments on FLORIDA: Flagler County Sheriff’s welcome sign for his county jail is pretty funny

  1. Got a ton of respect for older LEO. Not so much for the younger ones. I occasionally shoot with the county SWAT team. I also shoot with a few members of the local Fire Department. Guess who’s better. One day I’ll expand.

  2. @Bad_Brad:

    Firemen everyday! They do it for the pure enjoyment of shooting. Besides a lot of their clothing is pretty cool.

    Wish this was a sheriff in my county! We have lots of special programs and everything. I volunteered in the “Absent Dads” program at the county lockup and more resources where being spent on them then dad-beat dads in the community.

    I helped them start a Saturday morning Dad Mentoringing program for all not just the prisoners.

    A certain amount of jail time should actually be somewhat punitive not a time for social workers to open community coffers for aide and assistance to criminals.

    Christians reach out to prisoners but we need to reach out to everybody who needs help and assistance to build the community not to band-aide it after it breaks.

  3. I’d approve if his deputies never arrest innocent people, and if all the laws his department enforces are only crimes against people or property. His attitude implies he’s already decided every arrestee is guilty of such a crime and of course that isn’t the case.

    But for convicted criminals I like it.

  4. If one is guilty – all are guilty.
    We are all brothers.

    No person should be jailed because their father was a mean person – and that is the source of all anti-social behavior.

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