Florida: Gillum’s Lt. Gov. Pick Made Millions with Government Subsidized Housing – IOTW Report

Florida: Gillum’s Lt. Gov. Pick Made Millions with Government Subsidized Housing

Tallahassee Reports: It appears Chris King, Andrew Gillum’s lieutenant governor pick, has made millions by buying and selling government subsidized multi-family properties through his company Elevation Financial Group.

King’s recently filed a personal financial disclosure that shows a net worth of $17 million.

During his campaign for governor, King has called for more affordable housing options for Floridians.

For the most part, the media has described King as a progressive entrepreneur. King’s reliance on government subsidies hardly came up during his campaign for governor, and when it did, it was minimized.

For example, in an early bio piece in the Tampa Bay Times, political reporter Adam Smith wrote that King’s business, Elevation Financial Group, “relies little on public funding…”

However, a review of the Elevation Financial Group website cites the role of government subsidizes in King’s affordable housing business model.  more here

6 Comments on Florida: Gillum’s Lt. Gov. Pick Made Millions with Government Subsidized Housing

  1. Fla has the same sad problem Cal has had for 25 years. Choose between a dishonest lib, who claims not to be far left(GOP); or an honest leftist who does not claim to be conservative (DEM).
    It has been “The Horns of a Dilema” for Cal voters over 25 years. Fla has joined the party; a very sad party!

  2. The Kennedys bought “set-aside” properties in DC and expanded their fortune at taxpayer expense.
    The Carnahans put up wind-mills at taxpayer expense.
    Obola “invested” in Avian flu serum before the Avian flu “epidemic” became public.
    TARP money “disappeared.”
    “Green” energy only occurs at taxpayer expense – it isn’t (otherwise) economically viable.
    &c., &c., &c.

    Government is a scam.
    Has been since (at least) the Civil War.
    How much money’s been sunk into Planned Parenthood and ACORN?
    I believe we’re still paying taxes to finance the Spanish-American War.
    I KNOW we still have a “Helium Reserve” for our Dirigibles.

    izlamo delenda est …


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