Florida GOP lawmakers target big tech after Trump ban – IOTW Report

Florida GOP lawmakers target big tech after Trump ban


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Trying to return former President Donald Trump and other banned conservatives to social-media platforms, two Florida lawmakers filed proposals Tuesday that would prohibit state agencies and local governments from contracting with some tech-industry giants.

The proposals (SB 810 and HB 439), filed by Sen. Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota, and Rep. Randy Fine, R-Brevard County, target Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple and Alphabet.

“Our goal is for these companies to realize that they have made a mistake and reverse course, so we never actually have to do this,” Fine said during a news conference outside the Old Capitol. “But should they continue to shut down the thoughts of half of our state, then we have to stand up for those folks and say, ‘Look, if you want to boycott Florida, we are going to boycott you.’”

Gruters, the chairman of the Republican Party of Florida, said conservative voices are being “suppressed” and that tech companies are so large they are the “public square.”


3 Comments on Florida GOP lawmakers target big tech after Trump ban

  1. Well, the corporations will be helping, too. They announced the other day that they won’t be donating to any Republican who thinks the election was stolen. They have to admit it was legit or no cash.

    So now you know who runs this country.

  2. I hope this succeeds. It’s absurd that, using public or other companies’ infrastructure, these platforms are not legally defined as places of public accommodation, and subject to the laws against discrimination. Although “political” points of view are not a protected class, these companies are veering very close to discrimination against people who defend protected classes (religion, sex, etc.) and anti- free speech viewpoint discrimination also needs to be included.


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