Florida Gov. DeSantis wants to deny state contracts to companies supporting Biden’s Catch and Release plan – IOTW Report

Florida Gov. DeSantis wants to deny state contracts to companies supporting Biden’s Catch and Release plan

Bus companies and airlines that facilitate the Biden administration’s mass release program of illegal aliens may lose their contracts with the state of Florida.

Rebel News: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is threatening to deny state contracts to companies that aid President Joe Biden’s expansive Catch and Release operation, which is seeing tens of thousands of illegal aliens released into the United States.  

Over the weekend, the Florida governor slammed the Biden administration for resettling a 24-year-old illegal alien who had successfully tricked the United States government into classifying him as a minor.  

The illegal alien, Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, who posed as an Unaccompanied Alien Child has been charged with the murder of a 46-year-old man in Jacksonville, Florida.

First Coast News reported that Ulloa, who entered the country illegally through the U.S. southern border and is originally from Honduras, is charged with second-degree murder with the death of Francisco Javier Cuellar, a father of four.  

Speaking to Tucker Carlson, DeSantis said the murder would have never happened if the Biden administration would have not flown Ulloa to Florida on secretive flights, which were facilitated by the Biden Department of Health and Human Services and private contractors.   more here

7 Comments on Florida Gov. DeSantis wants to deny state contracts to companies supporting Biden’s Catch and Release plan

  1. Gonna make a whole lot of so-called “religious” “charities” upset.
    So what? Piss on ’em all!


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