Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, “Taxpayer Super Hero” – IOTW Report

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, “Taxpayer Super Hero”

AT: When a friend sent me fiscal responsibility ratings assembled prior to last November’s elections by the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, I immediately turned to my state, Florida, to see how our legislators fared on a scale from 0 to 100.  Ratings for the entire Congress are available here.

Single-digit ratings were termed “Hostile.”  All were Democrats.  Representatives Lois Frankel, Ted Deutch, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz were the three rated zero.  Senator Bill Nelson, ousted last November, got a 7.  Charlie Crist, who represents my district and was a Republican at one time, got a 5.  Another Florida congressman in the news, Alcee Hastings, barely managed to escape the zero rating.  He got a 2.

What about Republicans?  At the top of the class is our current governor and former representative, Ron DeSantis, elected last November after a hard fought campaign.  DeSantis got a perfect score of 100, the only Florida legislator to earn “Taxpayer Super Hero” status.  Senator Marco Rubio’s 86 rating earned him “Taxpayer Hero” status, as did the ratings of Representatives Bill Posey (95), Matt Gaetz (94), Daniel Webster (93), Ted Yoho (89), Tom Rooney (89), Gus Billirakis (85), Neal Dunn (84), and Dennis Ross (82).

DeSantis is about to earn “Super Hero” status on immigration as well. Elina Shirazi reports:

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is pushing for a ban on sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities.  Several bills making their way through the state legislature would effectively make it against the law for police departments to refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials.  If a law enforcement official refuses, they could be fined or fired. …   MORE

7 Comments on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, “Taxpayer Super Hero”

  1. I was at a Softball Tourney in Key West a couple of Weeks ago..

    And liberal People I’ve known for Years came up and said

    “I didn’t like Desantis at first but He’s all right”

    I still didn’t share any of My Beer….Mooches.

  2. Doubt Marco scored 86 score for anything other than amnesty for Dreamers/DACA, their parents, cousins twice removed etc etc.

    Not only am I pleased with DeSantis, but relieved beyond words we didn’t end up with obama 2.0.

    Yes, Mast is a huge disappointment.

    One new congressman I find impressive is Greg Steube. He asks intelligent questions during hearings and +++ also easy on the eyes!

    Don’t know what’s happening with the recent passage allowing felons to vote. Last I heard FL Rs were trying to kill it. Interestingly, nationwide, felons who have registered were weighted republican.


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