Florida Is About to Ban Sanctuary Cities; at Least 11 Other States Have Too – IOTW Report

Florida Is About to Ban Sanctuary Cities; at Least 11 Other States Have Too

Epoch Times:

Florida is about to ban sanctuary cities. And it’s not alone.

At least 11 other states have taken similar steps.

Florida’s measure, passed by lawmakers last week, forbids law enforcement agencies and local governments from adopting policies that limit cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis made the ban a campaign promise, and he’s signaled his support for the bill, though his office hasn’t said yet whether—or when—he’s signing it.

It’s the latest move by a state to take immigration matters into its own hands, particularly around a controversial question that’s become a political lightning rod: Can local governments limit their cooperation with the feds when it comes to immigration enforcement?

Critics—including President Donald Trump—say local sanctuary policies endanger public safety, but his administration’s efforts to cut off federal funding to so-called sanctuary cities have been stymied so far by numerous court challenges.

Meanwhile, more than 30 bills related to sanctuary policies—both for and against them—are pending across the country, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

State lawmakers behind such measures—many of which are being passed in states that don’t have sanctuary cities to begin with—say their aim is to stop local governments from enacting sanctuary policies, and punish any that do. But battles over how much authority they have to do that could end up in court.  more here

17 Comments on Florida Is About to Ban Sanctuary Cities; at Least 11 Other States Have Too

  1. The dithering Rick Scott our ex-governor did nothing about any of this and now he’s a senator. Finally we have a governor with a pair and the state is loving it.

  2. Exhibit A. Existing law that everyone has to follow
    Exhibit B. Except for these people
    Exhibit C. Ban Exhibit B
    Exhibit D. Challenge Exhibit C in court

    Imagine the things we could accomplish if we weren’t chasing our tail.

  3. My Oregon has been screwed for decadess. I fear the worst. Thanks Kalifornia! I work at the Hatfield MArine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. Probably 90% of the employees here are from southern Kali. Another ~5% are from the east coast, an the born in Oregon folks like myself, probably comprise about 1% of the total.
    It’s very sad to see what has become of Oregon over the last 62 years.

  4. And, Governor Desantis vetoed soda straw ban.
    Usually, I don’t use the straws, but it isn’t the government’s job to take away the choice for those who want them.
    Of course, they are for choice only when it comes to killing babies.

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