Florida is Taking Legal Action Against Biden Admin for Releasing Illegals into Florida – IOTW Report

Florida is Taking Legal Action Against Biden Admin for Releasing Illegals into Florida

FL.gov: TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Attorney General Ashley Moody announced Florida is taking legal action against the Biden administration for ignoring federal immigration law as the out-of-control situation at the U.S. southwest border continues. The Attorney General filed an amended complaint challenging President Joe Biden’s latest unlawful immigration policy. Instead of commencing immigration court proceedings against illegal immigrants caught at the border, the federal government is releasing them into the interior without even starting the legal process for their removal. The government is calling this unlawful policy “Parole + Alternatives to Detention.” To view the amended complaint, click here.

The amended complaint comes after shocking evidence uncovered dozens of adult male illegal immigrants brought to a U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement office, and then bussed to a nearby airport to be sent to their chosen destination inside the United States, including Miami according to news reports. more here

9 Comments on Florida is Taking Legal Action Against Biden Admin for Releasing Illegals into Florida

  1. It’s 28 to 22 and Republicans are still snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

    28 states with Republican governors, 22 with democRATz.
    While the rest of the Republican governors are standing around with their dicks in their hands…. ah, make that with their dicks in each others hands… DeSantis is actually DOING something constructive. If the other 27 states could get their shit together, work together and stand together it would represent a real force to be reckoned with!

  2. Put national guard troops at all airports to confiscate planes and arrest pilots for human trafficking. Then lock them up for a year or two without charges. A idea that has worked in Washington with Jan 6 folks.


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