Florida Judge Revokes Doctor’s Parental Rights Because She Works with Coronavirus Patients – IOTW Report

Florida Judge Revokes Doctor’s Parental Rights Because She Works with Coronavirus Patients

WA Sentinel: Another doctor has lost her parental rights merely because she works with coronavirus patients, according to reports.

13 Comments on Florida Judge Revokes Doctor’s Parental Rights Because She Works with Coronavirus Patients

  1. the judgement is in the best interest of the child … it is a temporary custody & will end … really not a bad decision

    … whadja expect? … cut the kid in two?

  2. As MOAON AABE stated above ” temporary”

    If I was doing something high risk I would automatically stay away from my own kid {temporarily}

    A doctor should know this.

    However, there must be something else going on in the background where this process is being used to exact revenge or pain on the other parent.

    My co-worker sent his son to live with his ex-wife when he was self isolating and he video chatted with his son every nite.

  3. @chuffed-beyond-words April 14, 2020 at 1:12 am

    > two wrongs do NOT make a right

    But allowing the wrong (as well as the wrongdoers) to stand is the precedent for a “right”.

    Tick-tock, an hero. Tick-tock.

  4. ” … her ex-husband filed to have Greene’s parental rights away, … ”

    Coronapanic as a weapon in court.

    Even I didn’t expect that to happen, but now that it has expect it to become more common.

  5. Dumbest decision, evah!. By this logic every medical personnel (EMS, docs, nurses, resp therapists, and custodial staff who clean the rooms afterwards,) who have kids in their home should temporarily lose them. Furthermore, where was her lawyer to point out the virus does not infect children with the same toxicity it does older adults? Judge is an idiot and the husband is an ass for using this as a weapon.

  6. …sure isn’t a great incentive to help Coronavirus patients or, really, ANY potentially infectious patients (which is ALL of them), now, is it?

    With this precident set, it’s a wonderful new weapon in the hands of angry ex-spouses everywhere!

    …and I can tell you from what I saw of abused kids, it’s more about revenge and hatred than the good of the child: there are sometimes…SOMETIMES…good reasons why one parent wasn’t given custody, and some of the NASTIEST abusers are mommy’s or daddy’s NEW fuck buddy, who frequently HATES, and sometimes RAPES,the kid from the previous relationship…

    …not speaking to all custody cases here, they are all situational and I, as a medic, was only involved in the BAD ones. I’m just saying that it’s NOT a great time to disincentivise patient care professionals from patient care, and it may have a severely bad outcome on the child besides if it’s your SOLE criteria instead of, say, having the child voluntarily stay with Aunty or Grandma for a bit, if you REALLY want to be pissy about it…

    …there have been infectious diseases from the time Man was driven from the Garden until today. Patient care professionals have ALWAYS dealt with people with infectious diseases all day, then raised a family at night.

    And there’s AlWAYS been a risk of transmission.

    Can you IMAGINE if they took kids from doctors who managed AIDS patients just after it was discoved in the the USA in the ’80s and not well understood? They’d have HUNG the judge that suggested it.

    Corona’s another infectious disease. No more, no less. Health care professionals deal with infectious diseases EVERY DAY, and are trained to deal with it.

    All I’m saying is, stop acting like this is the Superflu from Steven King’s “The Stand”.

    Because it AIN’T.

    …someone got sick.

    Deal with it

    The same way we have with every OTHER illness.

    …not EVERYTHING has to be more fuel for the Demipanic machine…

  7. @Supernightshade April 14, 2020 at 8:12 am

    > not speaking to all custody cases here

    Speaking to all custody cases, here: If there is a custody case — a case… any “case”, at all — the public… very public, very publicized… brutal — very brutal — destruction of the “game flags”, is the sole — the absolute, only — hope… of the destruction of the root — the sole, the government — cause. Period. Full stop.

  8. Both the Broward County and Oklahoma cases (guess which political affiliation) were instances of retaliatory ex-husbands, and it seems the judges were eager to oblige using the virus as a pretense. The Oklahoma ex had a restraining order placed on him in 2018 for abuse by attempted strangulation. Breitbart ran a detailed story on it.

  9. If a “judge” can revoke your “rights” then they aren’t rights – they’re privileges – granted by the state.
    If the state grants privileges, then the state is sovereign, not the “people” as in “We, the People of the United States … blah, blah, blah … do ordain and establish …”

    Though this seems a minor point of quibble, it isn’t. THIS is the foundation of all the usurpations against the citizens of the United States over the past 230 years, or so. That we allow it (them) is astounding – and indicative of how far we’ve devolved from the self-governing people we once were.

    izlamo delenda est …


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