Florida Lawmaker Moves to Rename Highway After President Donald J. Trump – IOTW Report

Florida Lawmaker Moves to Rename Highway After President Donald J. Trump

Gateway Pundit:

By Jacob Engels, first published in The Rogue Review

Anthony Sabatini, one of the most patriotic and pro-America state legislators in the nation, has officially announced he has submitted an amendment to an upcoming transportation bill in the Florida House to rename US 27 after President Donald J. Trump.

Sabatini, who has fought the unconstitutional mask and vaccine mandates also has a history of preserving our 2nd Amendment rights of Floridians. The highway, which goes by the Purple Heart Memorial Highway and the Claude Pepper Memorial Highway would retain its dedication to Purple Heart veterans according to the language in Sabatini’s amendment.

President Trump is in fact the first Floridian to hold the office, another motivating factor for Sabatini, as well as updating the highway from a congressional memorial to a presidential memorial. read more

10 Comments on Florida Lawmaker Moves to Rename Highway After President Donald J. Trump

  1. OT

    I cannot verify this letter from Ted Nugent. Read at your own risk.

    Dear Vice President Biden,

    Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters.
    I remember four years ago my President Trump also called for unity. I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration. I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on my President Trump’s campaign. I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump. I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trump’s beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV. I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.
    I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed my President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with. I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America. I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump. I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump. This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe, and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party. Your abject criminal dishonesty is treasonous. You belong in prison along with the rest of the Swamp.

    Ted Nugent

  2. “I-45 runs from Galveston to Dallas, Texas

    MAGA Highway!

    I-46 runs from 2021 to Perdition…”

    Good catch and good extension of that, Loco.

    Flip, Ted or not, it’s completely correct and if I can commit it to memory, I’ll be sure to use it on any brain dead lefty that tries to take the position we are sore losers and should just unify already.

    Including my long time lefty friends, of which, some of them say they love God. You can’t love God and vote left.

    This stolen election may sever whatever bond we’ve had unless they wake up from their lockstep love of Dem politics.

    This stolen election is a bridge too far. Yet I suspect two of them might acknowledge it and smile with glee about it anyway. They’re that far gone.

    I’ll remain as a thorn in their side whenever we need to interact, but in a loving way. I’ve never lost my temper with them, but I always say what’s true. Often they can’t rebut one word of what I say because it’s a truth that can’t be denied.

    Like when I’ve dealt with bipolar fits in one of those friends and the deadly girlfriend. Don’t argue with them. Just tell the undeniable truth. What Ted allegedly said is true.

  3. as Orwellian & childlike as the new administration has behaved towards anything or anyone supporting President Trump I can see them denying federal hwy funds to any renamed HWY, Street, Road, Alley or Footpath ………..

  4. flip, thanks for posting that. I don’t care if he wrote it or not (would be something he would write, though!) because it’s the truth!

    Dadof4, some of my friends at church, who are good Christian people, have the strangest viewpoint regarding President Trump (he IS the legitimate president). They are so upset with his “demeanor” that they negate any good he has done. I have talked with them about his work on stopping human trafficking and saving unborn children, but even though they admit that is a good thing, they can’t get beyond their disgust with his speech. I am sure that they get all their news from the MSM.

    I try not to be angry, but I do bristle when they talk about their disgust with him. I hate the fact that I anticipate their reaction when they discover truth. I’m ashamed that I will feel a little glee at their discomfort. Forgive me, Lord.


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