Florida Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill GOP Lawmaker – IOTW Report

Florida Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill GOP Lawmaker

“I’ll kill your a** and you better not show up to the next [Republican Executive Committee] meeting.” 


34-year old Miami resident Steve St. Felix, was arrested and charged with sending death threats to state Representative Jose Felix Diaz

Oh how proud that idiot is!
He looks like a slow-witted thumb with teeth.

26 Comments on Florida Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill GOP Lawmaker

  1. George Wallace offered some 1960s predictions about not everybody being quite ready for full participatory Democracy.

    Happily we now know his concerns were unnecessary and everything turned out fine.

  2. He makes poor decisions due to poor nutrition, because he lives in a grocery desert (ghetto) because the only grocery store went under because they could not afford to put security tags on all the slim jims.

  3. “Blacks ruin everything”

    I’m rather picky about my amigos,. I have a handful of EX Mil guys that are conservative as the day is long. Most are black. You sound like a racist hick.

  4. It’s no longer a question of skin color. What skin color was the shooter at the Congressional base ball practice. We have a at least 1.5 black people that I know of that contribute here. They deserve more respect than this.

  5. I totally agree, people that are sane, respectable and congenial deserve all the respect that is affordable from like minded people regardless of color.
    Whereas, those that are abhorrent, repulsive or otherwise offensive should be treated in a likewise fashion in order to convey an opposing view that is at least as poignant as the original insult.
    And, for what it’s worth, I have, what I consider two very good friends that are colored, Africian-American, black or whatever the hell is considered PC.

    But, just like a hoard of Whities that are mere trailer-trash, there are also a number of blacks that are a real drag on society and neither deserves a particular amount of respect.

  6. IMHO for every verbal threat there are ten or more people with the same idea, and some of them have a plan, they’re just waiting for their chance to physically attack, attempt to kill.

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