Florida Man Asks Cops to Test His Meth – IOTW Report

Florida Man Asks Cops to Test His Meth

Just a regular day in Florida. It was nice of the Police to offer this service.

14 Comments on Florida Man Asks Cops to Test His Meth

  1. They don’t make Hitler strength meth by Aryans in the desert anymore.

    That was the bomb. You could totally blitzkrieg Yurrup for three days straight. Take a nap and then have a big meal. Nowadays it’s this shitty stuff from Mehico that’s cut with like Draino. No fun at all.

    :smacks lips: hmmmm. I could go for some Hitler strength meth….

  2. So I’m livin’ on Haight street….in the 90’s. My apartment building was dope, not run down at all. Anyway, for some reason I did some meth….in the daytime.

    Whatever. The point is, I had nothing to do so I decided to scrub out the already clean claw foot tub.

    I started around 10 and my roommates came home around 4…so……6 hours of scrubbing a porcelain tub with comet. I was cleaning at the sub atomic level,son. It was so clean you couldn’t see the bottom of the tub. It looked like an optical illusion. You couldn’t even see the curves.

    For 3 entire days after that my roomies cursed me every time they took a shower. The porcelain surface was so buffed out by all those tiny comet granules that it was impossible to stand up. You had to hold onto the windowsill that looked out into the lightwell. Soap with one hand…try to turn around…wash with the other hand. Impossible.

    I thought it was hilarious.

  3. The cops tested it, sampled it, took it home. Don’t think for a minute that all cops and firemen are clean – they aren’t. Nieces dead firefighting fiance OD’d on cocaine which he got from the captain of his department. Oh, and he dropped dead the morning of their wedding.

  4. “Oh, and he dropped dead the morning of their wedding.”
    That was convenient.
    She’da been saddled to that addict, otherwise.

    People never seem to know when enough is enough.
    (I’ve done it with alcohol and other stuff)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Goldenfoxx
    APRIL 4, 2022 AT 9:40 AM
    “Nieces dead firefighting fiance OD’d on cocaine which he got from the captain of his department. Oh, and he dropped dead the morning of their wedding.”

    …tragic, but also dodged a bullet. At least he didn’t have time to make her a codependent addict.

    Seen that several times. Its really nasty, unless someone considers taking turns administering Narcan to each other to be sweet…

    …also, I’ve always said you should never assume a profession means a person is good by association. A guy I ran fire with turned out to be an arsonist, for example.

    It happens because people are people.

    And not everyone lives up to their Oath or honors their uniform.

    No matter what that uniform may be…

  6. OD’d from regular snortin’ cocaine? Sad. I tried most stuff. TRIED. The only thing that ever cost me friends or lovers or bike repairs was booze.

    I just had to choose between gettin’ buzzed or riding a motorcycle. I personally can’t do both. At all. No offense to anyone who grew up during the golden age of driving with a beer in your lap or hopin’ on a bike after being at a bar.

    I can’t even drink an energy drink and ride a bike. I mean I can, but I’m not getting off for 12 hours.

    I’m down to nothing more than caffeine and tobaccy. Seems pretty American.

  7. Burr,
    I new a guy named Bob (back in the Dark Ages) who drank a case of beer, smoked hash, ate some ludes, and then got on his bike and drove home.
    AND lived!

    Became a cop.
    He got thrown of the force for selling opiated hash at the local McD’s.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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