Florida Man flips off police – then gets hit by truck – IOTW Report

Florida Man flips off police – then gets hit by truck

FOX: A Florida motorcyclist is facing multiple charges after he blew through a red light while fleeing from local police and flipping them off seconds before getting T-boned by an oncoming truck. 

“Here’s a good way to get yourself killed,” the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office wrote in a Facebook post.

The three-minute video shared by police shows Deputy Bissonnete attempt to pull over a group of motorcyclists who were “popping wheelies” late on Friday, March 3. The group ignored authorities requests to pull over and decided to speed off, leading police on a high-speed chase.

12 Comments on Florida Man flips off police – then gets hit by truck

  1. …how you like your Karma served?

    Instantly, of course!

    …bet the cop was open-mouthed for a minute having just witnessed a live-action Bugs Bunny cartoon, I’m surprised he was able to stop laughing long enough to call it in.

  2. …pretty amazing that he tried to run, but adrenaline is a hell of a drug, it can make you ignore pain and even help your muscles splint your broken bones for a short while, you need to be careful when you do your secondary exam on accident patients because THEY may not know all the damage they have (yet)…

    …butthis guy and his buds, besides being assholes, were adrenaline junkies anyway. That jolt of power and awareness makes you feel real alive, that’s what they were out there doing it for in the first place…I’ve known quite a few adrenaline junkies in the fire and PD services and rather enjoyed it myself, climbing around in flaming wrecks is a good way to sublimate your adrenal desires and its actually HELPFUL too, as long as you’re not CAUSING the situation to begin with…

  3. Jethro
    MARCH 7, 2023 AT 8:54 AM
    “Why didn’t any of the other motorcyclists stop to provide aide to him after he crashed?….”

    …such is the friendship of their kind.

  4. We had one of those the other day here, but on a major highway. Passing on double yellow, weaving in and out of traffic. The kid didn’t make it, lost control went flying through a cow field, hit a pole and died. Nothing was left of the cycle. 22 years old, end of the line. More air for me to breathe.

  5. Fuck him:

    $10,000 Bike
    $1,000 Fines
    $4,000 Court fees
    $2,000 insurance increase
    $?,??? Medical bills
    Close to $20,000 when done?

    Or he could have been working and making a few extra bucks.

  6. I’m not a lawyer, I’m not an EMT nor an orthopedic surgeon: I am normally very pro-LEO.
    However, after watching this, I would recommend, if the motorcyclist suffered any injuries, other than roadrash, to find a good lawyer and sue; he was handled/treated roughly where his only actual malfeasance was running the red light.
    Of course, trying to escape/run away is another problem.

  7. Kcir: not only will his insurance costs increase, his insurance won’t even pay anything in the incident.

    As for how he was handled, what is to say he was not armed? Just because he was hurt does not mean he could not have been a danger to the officers.

  8. @RadioMattM
    were he armed and demonstrated such to the officers present, I would have hoped that the LEOs would have provided him with a lead aspirin to immediately alleviate his headache.


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