Florida man hired Thursday, fired Sunday, tries to kill boss 2 hours later – IOTW Report

Florida man hired Thursday, fired Sunday, tries to kill boss 2 hours later


SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. – Sanford police arrested a man for allegedly trying to kill his boss two hours after he was fired.

The manager told police Djuan Lewis, 23, chased him from Benada Aluminum Products on Jewett Lane and started firing into his car.

A different manager told Eyewitness News Lewis had only worked there Thursday and was fired Sunday morning for throwing supplies and tools on the ground.

Lewis was fired, then waited for his district supervisor outside for two hours, the manager said.  MORE

28 Comments on Florida man hired Thursday, fired Sunday, tries to kill boss 2 hours later

  1. BTW The Aluminum company was high
    tech.They extruded custom machined aluminum
    and did powder coating.What cool job for
    a 23 year old.A man could learn alot there…

  2. Just as he was starting to get his life together, the racist white man disrespects him with the white supremacist’s favorite dog whistle “merit”. Then the white devil tries to run in front of Djuan’s bullet so he can lie about Djuan trying to shoot him.

    Nike, here’s another face for your advertising campaign.

  3. I’m sure the experience he got (however brief) with coating metals will translate nicely to his new position making Florida license plates. It’s a testament on building on your life experiences! [sarcasm intended]

  4. What’s this world coming to. In my day you used to have to work at a place a minimum of two weeks before it was acceptable to kill the guy who fired you. Sheesh, today’s youth.


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