Florida Man: “No cop can catch me in my Hyundai Elantra, that thing is fast.” – IOTW Report

Florida Man: “No cop can catch me in my Hyundai Elantra, that thing is fast.”

Florida man calls 911 to brag after fleeing traffic stop: ‘Like what do we pay you guys for?’

FIRST COAST NEWS: A St. Johns County man has been arrested on multiple charges after deputies say he fled a traffic stop and then calling to brag about it.

Nicholas Jones, 19, was arrested on May 5 for reckless driving, fleeing and eluding, misusing 911 and violation of probation after doing a ‘burnout’ during a traffic stop and then calling to ask 911 why he had not yet been caught.

According to a St. John’s County Sheriff’s Office arrest report, a deputy was trying to pull over a white Hyundai for a traffic stop when the car took off, squealing its tires and speeding out of a parking lot on South Woodlawn Street.

Roughly an hour later, the report says that a subject called 911 and advised the following:t

Subject: “I want to know…. I like ran from a cop 30 minutes to an hour ago. I was the guy… that… over there off of Kings Estates. Like what do we pay you guys for… like I’ve driven past 4 cops.

SJSO Dispatcher: “What do you mean you ran from a cop?”

Subject: “I mean he turned his lights on me and got behind me and as he was walking up to my car I did a donut around him and left him.”

keep reading [911 call at the link]

h/t Unashamed Domestic Dame

21 Comments on Florida Man: “No cop can catch me in my Hyundai Elantra, that thing is fast.”

  1. I guess the idiot didn’t realize that the cop punched in his plate number before he stepped out of his cruiser, not to mention the squad cars onboard camera.


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