Florida Man opens fire in lobby of hotel because mother and son weren’t social distancing – IOTW Report

Florida Man opens fire in lobby of hotel because mother and son weren’t social distancing

Lifezette: A man opened fire in a hotel in Miami Beach, Florida because a mother and son were not social distancing, police are saying.

The shooting reportedly took place on Monday night at the Crystal Beach Suites Hotel on Collins Avenue, where Douglas Marks reportedly walked into the lobby and saw Veronica Pena sitting on a couch with her son, according to The Blaze.

“You all aren’t social distancing,” Marks told the pair, according to the police report. He then added, “You all need to leave.”

When Pena and her son ignored the man, he became enraged and said, “Let me take care of them, I have two people not following directions.”

He proceeded to pull out a gun and opened fired. An anonymous male witness stepped in to shield Pena and her son from the bullets, and they later said there were “like six” shots fired. Police said that Marks “continued to scream commands to social distance while holding the firearm and subsequently fired several shots.” more

17 Comments on Florida Man opens fire in lobby of hotel because mother and son weren’t social distancing

  1. Thank you Main Stream Media and Lib-Tards for ginning up this virus to the point where mentally imbalanced/stupid people start shooting in a hotel lobby.

    How retarded do you have to be to do something like that?

  2. That was a gutsy move buy the bystander, glad all are OK.
    People are fraying around the edges with all the COVID rules, some riot and a few of the weakest minds flake out with a firearm.
    It’s a safe bet this animal is a democrat, he displays all of the characteristics.

  3. “… I have two people not following directions.”

    So he executes a death sentence?

    Who does he think he is?
    Governor of New York?
    Mayor of NYC?
    Mayor of Minneapolis?
    Mayor of Chicago?
    Mayor of Portland?
    Mayor of Seattle?
    Governor of Washington?
    Secretary of State under Obola?
    Obola hisself?

    You know – one of those people we have given our authority to meet out death arbitrarily – to kill with impunity?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Would the cops please start doing their duty and take these out of control libtards out?

    Let’s be clear. IF a kkk guy opened fire in a hotel, the cops would have no problem filling him full of lead. But since it’s a fucking liberal piece of shit, they are supposed to ‘de-escalate’ the situation, so nobody gets hurt. (except the innocent people the liberal piece of shit is targeting)

  5. All liberals are by definition stupid because they believe liberal ideas. Ideas and a world view that does not align with reality. dictionary definition of insanity.

    Did the idiot stop to think and ask if they were family members and so social distancing is absurd? Nope, liberals go straight to authoritarian and killing to get their despotic way.

    He deserved to be shot dead right there by an armed citizen. Come on people, use your CCW and carry because it is crazy season from the Left.

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