Florida man with ‘unexpected strength’ [and LSD] attacks Disney World guard – IOTW Report

Florida man with ‘unexpected strength’ [and LSD] attacks Disney World guard

After being secured to a stretcher and taken to a hospital, Arvid became coherent and told a nurse, “I took LSD and tried to kill someone,” but he wasn’t able to recall anything else about what happened, the arrest report said.

13 Comments on Florida man with ‘unexpected strength’ [and LSD] attacks Disney World guard

  1. Ah….LSD and Disneyland…. what memories.

    Not of me, but of the tall guy who wore the Tiger costume at Disneyland when I worked there. Can’t remember his name but he was getting fired for inappropriate behavior and decided to….

    I don’t know what he decided but he ended up taking LSD, putting on the Tiger costume and chasing park guest around until he jumped into the submarine lagoon.


  2. And “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” wasn’t about LSD.

    “…And so a cryptic title like “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” which included lyrical imagery like “marmalade skies” and “the girl with kaleidoscope eyes.” Just look at the initials of the song: LSD, right? So obvious. And oh, so groovy.

    Except it wasn’t, and it never was. John Lennon, who wrote the majority of lyrics (according to Ultimate Classic Rock, McCartney contributed a couple of phrases, like “newspaper taxis” — drugs, right?) was clear from the beginning that the inspiration for the song was two-fold: the dream world of Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, and Lennon’s four-year-old (at the time) son, Julian.

    In a Rolling Stone interview in 1970, Lennon said, “‘Lucy In The Sky’ with diamonds which I swear to God, or swear to Mao, or to anybody you like, I had no idea spelled LSD….”

    Yeah, riiigghhht.

  3. I never wanted to kill anyone. Just escape.

    I mean, uhhhh…if I ever did LSD that would be the goal, right? The point I’m trying to make is…ahhhhhh screw it. Pass the blotter and the bong. 2020 demands I start trippin’ and start trippin’ hard…

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