Palm Beach County Election Officials Caught Falsifying Machine Election Reports As Pressure Builds Over Discovery Of Massive Machine Election Fraud: Report – IOTW Report

Palm Beach County Election Officials Caught Falsifying Machine Election Reports As Pressure Builds Over Discovery Of Massive Machine Election Fraud: Report

Miami Independent: Pressure has been building in the ‘not so free’ state of Florida as activists have discovered a massive scheme that likely exists in other states across the nation — the use of ‘blank ballots’ designated by election machines to ‘readjudicate’ ballots by software in large numbers.

In other words, ballots are designated as ‘blank’ when cast, then the machine software decides who the voter should have voted for.

For instance, in Miami-Dade County in 2020, 68,000 ballots were designated as ‘blank’ by election machines. In some precincts, the number equaled 20% of ballots cast. In the 2022 midterm election, this number went to essentially zero (400) as activists had begun making public the ‘blank ballot’ scheme.

However, in 2022 some counties didn’t get the memo. Broward County still showed 10% ‘blank ballots’ cast.

This phenomenon obviously makes no sense. It is statistically improbably that 68k voters in 2020 cast blank ballots in Miami-Dade. The issue is rampant across Florida.

After discovering this machine election fraud scheme, activists began asking for machine election reports across the state via open records requests. MORE

SNIP: If your state is serious about voter fraud, the vote machines, tabulators and Albert sensor must be removed.

22 Comments on Palm Beach County Election Officials Caught Falsifying Machine Election Reports As Pressure Builds Over Discovery Of Massive Machine Election Fraud: Report

  1. Seems we knew a lot of this stuff 2.5 years ago. But the complicit media insisted everything was 100% free of fraud, and courts threw out every single attempt to bring evidence to light.

  2. There’s a much simpler solution, really. If democrats win with 100%+ of possible votes it’s always the cleanest election with zero voter fraud. Historic one might say. Now you know the proper path to eliminating voter fraud.

  3. ANY election tampering or participation in deliberate encouragement of casting extralegal votes should be a capital offense, with public viewing of the execution. No, ifs, ands, or butts about it. Casting an extralegal vote should disqualify the individual from EVER participating in another election. No restoration of voting rights.

  4. Left Coast Dan
    AT 8:17 AM
    “Seems we knew a lot of this stuff 2.5 years ago. But the complicit DEMOCRAT media insisted everything was 100% free of fraud, and DEMOCRAT courts threw out every single attempt to bring evidence to light.”

  5. Yessiree Fiffy, the democrats committed Treason,

    but the GOP responded by grabbing their ankles and bending over deeply, as is their tradition.

    Some GOPes openly BETRAYED the sitting POTUS of their own Party, while none did anything meaningful to derail the Left’s takeover of this country.

  6. Always massive, right?
    In 2020 Florida’s 29 electoral votes went to Trump. Does that mean they should of gone to Biden?. Florida is mostly a republican state, voter fraud yeah maybe this I believe it.

  7. ” These crooks would have no problem killing us.”

    Maybe you haven’t noticed but they have been killing us for years. Ever heard of Waco (twice), Ruby Ridge, LeVoy Finucan, plus numerous highly suspicious mass shootings. Also 911 where low level FBI agents’ warnings were swept under the rug. Possibly even Pearl Harbor. Judging by the number of people wearing masks during the last round of mass killing, the majority aren’t going to notice the killing even as they’re taking that scenic trip in the boxcar to a safe place.

  8. Seems a lot of folks getting sued over claims of machine election fraud.
    If anyone has LEGIT PROOF of machines being fraudulent that is a BIG FUCKING DEAL.
    I haven’t read up on this but it doesn’t seem like a machine issue, but a human manipulating the system.

    Unless they cheated FOR DeSantis the dems only cheated for local races.
    Or perhaps he actually won by more than 19.4 points?
    Trump also won Florida twice and like I said before, Florida will go republican in 2024. Not the state to focus on about fraud unless it leads to other states being caught.
    Of course every week we hear about Arizona fraud and then crickets.
    Put up or shut up.

  9. Also, when they begin their article “Pressure has been building in the ‘not so free’ state of Florida”
    It pretty much tells me this is a biased hit job that will play loose with the facts in order to fit the writer’s agenda.

    Doesn’t anyone just report the facts anymore?

  10. Looking at the article, the naive writer has obviously never worked with legacy software or hardware.
    They live in a perfect bubble and their phone always has the correct time!
    Therefore any machine that doesn’t must be a giant vast conspiracy.
    Good grief!

    Their smoking gun:
    A “run date” of 9/13/84 produced data of vote tallies for an election in 2022.
    This is not a sinister conspiracy.
    This is a machine defaulting to a date that either the terminal operator doesn’t know how to update, or is too lazy to do so.

    Yes it’s maddening when I see a machine in a factory with a date that’s a decade off, but that doesn’t really harm anything.
    In a perfect world it should update all clock or time keeping mechanisms automatically.
    Our world is not perfect and the date of the PRINTOUT doesn’t matter a hill of beans in this instance.
    That said, so far I’m not impressed with the author.

  11. It does look like they are using some ancient machinery down there.
    They list registered voters at 1003,675 votes cast 545,550.
    It appears the system may not have been designed for numbers greater than a million?
    Or perhaps that is just a bug that didn’t include the comma denoting a million?

  12. To clarify, not 100% of elections are fraudulent, but 100% CAN be manipulated. Only those deemed important by the communists in charge are decided through mail in ballot fraud. They let us have unimportant elections to preserve the illusion of choice.

  13. They also point out a 125% voter turnout in a precinct.
    Sounds ominous until you see that the precinct only has 4 “registered voters.”
    The “ballots cast” is blanked out but that number must mathematically be 5.
    Why would a precinct only have 4 or 5 registered voters? Who knows?
    No doubt the system is far from perfect.

    I want LEGIT fraud to be exposed.
    We need LEGIT fraud exposed.
    However, if we put forth any more “Krakens” it weakens our cases and only allows lawyers to get very, very rich from lawsuits.


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