Florida: Palm Beach County Election Supervisor Says GOP Lawsuit Could Be Racist, Or Something – IOTW Report

Florida: Palm Beach County Election Supervisor Says GOP Lawsuit Could Be Racist, Or Something

TownHall: It’s a total mess. We don’t know how many ballots are left to be counted in Florida’s elections because some election supervisors are simply not telling us. Yeah, in a state that was hit hard by Hurricane Michael, the storm-ravaged counties have counted all their ballots, but two of the most Democratic counties, Broward and Palm Beach, are still tabulating votes. The lack of transparency, regular updates on vote tallies, and overnight vote dumps are raising eyebrows among Republicans and rightfully so. These two counties, Broward in particular, has a long history of incompetence, negligence, and violations of state law. The Miami Herald has more on Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes in Broward:

Following a court ruling in May that Broward Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes had illegally destroyed ballots from a 2016 congressional race, the governor’s office announced the Florida Department of State would send election experts to Snipes’ office during this year’s election “to ensure that all laws are followed” and “to observe the administration of the election.”

Snipes says the extra scrutiny is undeserved.


Even beyond her own reprimand for authorizing the destruction of ballots, Snipes cannot deny the department’s patchy track record. In 2016, early voting results for Broward were posted a half hour before polls closed, in violation of election law. Her office was sued unsuccessfully because a constitutional amendment was missing from some mail-in ballots. The electronic system used by the county was also later found to have been targeted by Russian government hackers — although it’s unclear whether that affected results and had nothing to do with the early posting.

On multiple occasions, there have been problems with printing mail ballots. And in the August primaries, Broward was the last county to post election results. The department cited reasons from unexpected recounts, delayed jump drive delivery — rumor was they were temporarily lost — to a late influx of mail-in ballots that were still being counted the next day, leaving the results of several races unclear .

“We have consistently been the bottom of the barrel getting our voting results in,” Broward County Commissioner Nan Rich said at a September meeting to discuss how to prevent future delays in posting results. “I don’t want to be 67th in 67 counties again in voting.”

Republican Gov. Rick Scott has already declared victory in the state’s Senate race over incumbent Democrat Bill Nelson, where he lead by a little over 34,500 votes at the time. That lead has been almost in half, and we’re certainly going into recount. Yet, the secretiveness of the process is suspect, especially in the largest Democratic county in the state—Broward. Yes, Brenda Snipes, can’t do her job well, but in Palm Beach, elections supervisor Susan Bucher is facing much more serious allegations of shoddy ballot counting. What did Bucher say in her defense, the lawsuit could be racist (via Washington Examiner):

The supervisor for election in Palm Beach County doesn’t take criticism well. Susan Bucher, a Democrat who previously served in the Florida House of Representatives, accused her critics of racism.

Bucher called the criticism from President Trump, Gov. Rick Scott, and Sen. Marco Rubio “unfortunate.” But she didn’t stop there. Winding up quickly, the otherwise lethargic election supervisor accused those Republicans of “trying to disrupt our democracy because they don’t like the demographics of our voters.”

Sure, it could always be racism. But why resort to that when the obvious explanation is right there — Bucher is just demonstrably incompetent and obviously in violation of state law.  read more

26 Comments on Florida: Palm Beach County Election Supervisor Says GOP Lawsuit Could Be Racist, Or Something

  1. Nawwww, I think itz Homophobic.
    No wait… itz Sexist!
    Oh wait-a-hold it… itz Misogynistic!
    Nope… itz Xenophobic!
    Ahh, could be White Supremacist!
    Based on that nose I’m going for iSlamophobic… but I digress. I’ll let some of the other Klansmen weigh in on this.

  2. Accept no denials of responsibility, racism, homophobia, black pantherism, religion of peace bullshit to overshadow the will and call of the peoples.

    Dis lady be not “of the people, by the people, or for the people.”

    Please introduce her to a 25 foot ball python or 20 foot alligator!

  3. “Dis lady be not “of the people, by the people, or for the people.”

    @Hans, she DOES see herself as “of the people, by the people, or for the people.” the ONLY people that MATTER to her, those that are dark skinned like her. So a correct statement would be..

    “of HER people, by HER people, or for HER people.”

    …to HER, White people aren’t even human. Hitler dehumanized people like that once, you can expect a similar resolution with our current situation…

  4. @B_B:
    Dude, why do ANY of them still hold positions?

    I know why.

    Because we won’t get up off our butts and displace them. Electorally. We have more important things to do, like run our businesses that they leech off of, or be quality employees for someone else who also feeds the leech. The whole thing is so distasteful and I admit I recoil from the whole enterprise. We’re not as corrupt as Florida but we have our entrenched people, too. Mainly my attitude is, to quote John Galt, “get the hell outta my way”. Unfortunately they are extremely disinclined to do that.

    Politics in general to me is like handling a corpse – I don’t want to do it, but it’s got to be disposed of properly.

  5. TommyBoy in IN
    LOL “Electorally”. It might be to late for that. It only took 3 percent of us last time. At some point in time we need to decide if we want to remain, or once again become, free men.

  6. Meanwhile in Broward, good guy Congressman Matt Gretz thrown out by the Broward County gestapho fo exposing the criminal activities. They couldn’t be bothered by trying to stop a thug from gunning down students, but cannot allow this.

    Wait until that doofus Schiff convenes the intelligence committee and demands that Matt be investigated and thrown off the committee or even out of Congress for his run in with the law.

  7. The lefty democrat has been declared winner and our new Agriculture Secretary, placing her on the cabinet in the position that Adam Putnam used as his springboks in his attempt to become governor.
    We have not had a Democrat elected to a cabinet level position for decades.

    I’m sickened that any of these races were even close. Gollum had only gotten 34% of the democrat primary vote. I find it hard to believe those who really supported daddy’s girl Gwen would have enthusiastically supported him after he destroyed her attempt to take her rightful place by virtue of daddy’s experience.


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