Florida: Palm Beach County Returns Zuckerbuck$ – IOTW Report

Florida: Palm Beach County Returns Zuckerbuck$

The last Florida county to hold onto Zuckerberg money for elections has returned it.

Just The News: After receiving an election grant from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), Florida’s Palm Beach County has returned its unspent funds following enactment of a state election integrity bill and a lawsuit from the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF).

CTCL made grants to municipalities to administer elections during the COVID-19 pandemic, although it heavily influenced how the elections ran and awarded funds disproportionately to Democrat-run cities.

In May, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill preventing the use of private funds for the administration of elections, banned mass mailing of ballots and ballot harvesting, and tightened voter identification requirements. MORE

4 Comments on Florida: Palm Beach County Returns Zuckerbuck$

  1. Should’a kept FuckZuck’s money and disbursed it to the county citizens as a “tax refund”. HA! That would’a chapped FuckZuck’s ass for sure.
    The hippie revolutionary phrase “stick it to the man” can work in more than one direction.


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