Florida Man Reportedly Put 3-Year-Old Son in Jail for Pooping His Pants – IOTW Report

Florida Man Reportedly Put 3-Year-Old Son in Jail for Pooping His Pants

Oddity Central: A Florida police officer has come under fire for reportedly putting his own 3-year-old child in jail and even putting him in handcuffs as punishment for pooping his pants.

In a conversation captured on body camera, Lt. Michael Schoenbrod of the Daytona Beach Police Department can be heard telling a Department of Children and Families caseworker that his son was ‘having difficulty’ with toilet training. To teach the 3-year-old boy a lesson, he put him in jail on successive days back in October of last year and even handcuffed him on the second occasion. Schoenbrod said that after the traumatic experience, the child vowed to ‘never again poop his pants’. MORE

12 Comments on Florida Man Reportedly Put 3-Year-Old Son in Jail for Pooping His Pants

  1. Hey, if the kid never shits his pants again, I’d call that a success. Life’s going to be a whole lot shittier (yes, pun intended) to this kid the older he gets. Better he learn to sort out the “trauma” that is real now and toughen up a bit rather than him growing up being one of the whining pussies that seem to infest the younger generation currently.

  2. I made my son wash his bed sheets because he kept pissing the bed (too lazy to get up and go pee in the bathroom).

    I think he was six, and my wife was livid.

    NEVER peed the bed afterwords (that I know of…)

  3. about peeing the bed…….lol…..

    i have very very realistic believable dreams…..the ones i dread the most are when i dream i got up and went to the bathroom……probbly had a couple dozen of them…..

    luckily, i have a plentiful supply of towels……

  4. My daughter and I used to go to the YMCA about three or four times/day when she was about four. I’d work out and she would do some activity. When it was time to go some of the kids would pull The Flop. They go to the ground and lay there totally limp. I’ve seen the parents on their knees begging, i’ve seen them try and lift and carry them out totally limp and mess their back up in the process, you name it. I told “B” you know your daddy don’t play no fool, don’t you ever try that stunt. Well, about three weeks later she flops when it was time to go. I told her to get up and act her age, and she still layer there in the grass. So I calmly walked over and picked up the end of the sprinkler and screwed it off the end of the hose then went and turned the water on and was headed back. Just like that, bam, she was on her feet and ready to act Ike a young lady.

    All it takes is a bit of common sense. This damnable idiot woman came running up and said to me: You weren’t going to turn the water hose on that child? I told her that if she hadn’t gotten up I certainly would have. That pretty much put The Flop out of business at that Y for the rest of the time we were going there.


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