Florida: Police send late-night ‘Gestapo to intimidate’ mom for Facebook remark – IOTW Report

Florida: Police send late-night ‘Gestapo to intimidate’ mom for Facebook remark

‘Do I need to call the cops on the cops?’

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida — Will police ever show up at your door for what you post on social media?

The answer is yes, as a South Florida woman has posted video of a late-night visit to her home Friday by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, warning her about a Facebook comment she made concerning masks.

“Palm Beach County sends Gestapo to my home,” says Angelique Contreras, describing the incident. “When I asked for this strange man’s identification his response was ‘What do you want? Badge, gun, handcuffs?'”

The Feb. 12 incident occurred as police admitted on camera they had been monitoring the mother-of-three’s discussion about the county’s new policy to exclude from their public meetings people without masks due to health exemptions. Those citizens are actually placed in a parking garage beneath a separate building.

A man named Anthony Collins had joked online about leaving “hundreds of bags of garbage” on the lawn of the county commissioner, and Contreras replied with the terse remark, “thousands of Mask(s).”

That prompted an officer identifying himself as Det. Horton of the PBSO to arrive late at night to the home of Contreras, a local hair and makeup artist who hails from a family of Cuban refugees. read more

h/t NAAC

27 Comments on Florida: Police send late-night ‘Gestapo to intimidate’ mom for Facebook remark

  1. This sort of abuse of govt power is escalating rapidly to the point where I expect to be reading about dead cops before long. I wish I could see a different peaceful end to this deeply troubling police state behavior. But I can’t.

  2. “It [The State] can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I really wonder who that woman was with the Police. Sending a detective on a call like this should be investigated. This sounds like a chapter out of Orwell’s 1984. Let us pray this kind of crap is just temporary.

  4. Someone somewhere most likely committed a crime in sending the deputy to intimidate a non lawbreaker into political submission using the police as the weapon to do it.

    Things like this should be pursued to the utmost in every legal way and against everyone possible.

    Otherwise it becomes normal and acceptable police practice.

  5. Fourteen Days to Flatten the Curve

    Like I said on day one, fourteen days my aching ass. Once they get a read on the willingness of the citizenry to submit they are going to milk it for all it’s worth. They are in data collection mode and are going to push this shit to see just how far they can go before there is a general uprising.

    This is just part of their scheme to take over the United States by force

  6. I suppose all of the murders, rapes, and assaults in Palm Beach County have been solved to have time for this silliness! I bet they don’t go knockin’ on the doors of thugs showing off weapons and drugs! An interesting use of taxpayer funds…

  7. These police officers pander to their wealthy constituents which means that somewhere in the pecking order they have a superior who is collecting some form of graft from the rich folks. Money talks and public servants listen.

  8. “…you’re wasting tax-dollar money to come out here and …”

    “Tell you not commit a crime? Yes,” Horton interrupted……

    The mystery lafy on the lawn must have been a Precog.

  9. MF’s.
    Purely intimidation on behalf of someone holding a political seat. You know, the ol’, “do you know who I am?!” routine.
    OTOH, a guy is threatening a female with death and the cops say, “sorry can’t help you, he hasn’t committed a crime.” Meantime, cities are burning with active crimes.
    One again, MF’s!

  10. We should all bear in front of mind: Police and soldiers are first and foremost order takers. People who gravitate toward both occupations think highly of hierarchy and their place in it. Both occupations also attract people who to varying degrees wish to use force on others to coerce obedience. Power not exercised is of no value at all and a most satisfying exercise of power is to injure an innocent with official impunity.

  11. PBSO pulling this sort of corrupt Fascist shit doesn’t surprise me. Never forget that this is the same jurisdiction that covered for Jeffrey I Didn’t Killysrlf Epstein and set up a sweetheart deal slap on the wrist for his despicable paedophilia

  12. The answer SHUT DOWN FACE BOOK use it only for contacting friends and relatives and or sharing pic/video of kids and pets! DO NOT CLICK ON ANY ADS! Do not make ANY political comments, move to another platform to vent…FUCK FACE BOOK!

  13. I read many years ago that lots of cops are guys who have a bent for crime but decide to stay more or less straight (most of the time). After watching things like this happen for years, I can’t say that the guy who wrote that was far from wrong.
    And some of them are just plain, dangerous nuts who once they are on the force, can’t be fired unless they do something totally whacky like shoot another cop.

  14. 95% of the Gestapo were volunteers from other Police Forces.
    I don’t believe that Germans are (or were) fundamentally different from other people.
    Our police forces are certainly displaying an obvious contempt for the Constitution and the American people – we really shouldn’t have chivalric notions about guys who get off on beating the snot out of people tied to chairs.

    izlamo delenda est …

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