Florida Preschool Teacher Paints Students In Blackface For ‘Black History Month’ – IOTW Report

Florida Preschool Teacher Paints Students In Blackface For ‘Black History Month’

A Florida preschool teacher made her students wear blackface to honor “Black History Month,” WPLG reported.

National File- Studio Kids Little River, a Miami preschool, has been attacked for the extreme social activism being pushed upon the two to five-year-old students.

On Feb. 3, a teacher posted photos of her students in blackface. The parent of one of the children in the photo called the incident “sickening” and shared the images with fellow parent Courtney Politis.

Politis, whose 1-year-old used to attend the preschool, slammed the school, saying it “should know better.” “You’re a certified, established institutions, you should know better. I mean, ignorance on – about racism in 2023 is no longer ignorant, in my opinion,” Politis told CNN.

She contacted the owner of the preschool, Patricia Vitale, to complain about the racist classroom activity. At first, Vitale acted like she did not understand how the incident was troubling.

“I’m like, this is racist! And she proceeds to respond back with, ‘I’m sorry? I don’t understand?’” Politis explained. more

6 Comments on Florida Preschool Teacher Paints Students In Blackface For ‘Black History Month’

  1. The director’s messages read like English is not her first language. If her staff are immigrants, they probably had no idea blackface was an issue. Blackface is quite common in Latin America, where blatant racism is still king. (That explains Fidel’s son’s multiple cultural faux pas.)

  2. Oh, FFS!
    Were any negroes offended?
    And who gives a fuck, anyway? You have to CHOOSE to be offended.

    These “preschools” are nothing more than warehouses for the brats of rich, selfish assholes who don’t want to raise their spawn. Either too lazy or too much “don’t give a shit” how the little bastards are brought up.

    And, really? “I’m like, this is racist! …” She’s “like, this is racist …?” Makes one wonder if she’s aware of what “like” means (I realize it’s idiomatic English and not supposed to make sense – an expression of a purportedly strong emotion). How so? How do little spoiled brats in blackface make one race superior over all others? Anybody gassed? Anybody thrown into an oven over this?

    Holier-than-thou racist bullshit (“See, since … like … y’know … I’m outraged, I’m more sensitive to racism than you!”).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. So, what’s wrong with that? When I was in grade school we studied the Navajo Indians. We did a school play dressed as Indians. Black people need to get over the color of their skin and focus on being a decent human being. Goes for white people too. Goes for everyone.

  4. The ‘teacher’ actually did so to mock and ridicule non-whites, same as done by Justin Trudeau, Tom Hanks, Ted Danson, Joy Behar and numerous other white privilege types.

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