Florida Rep. Maria Salazar: Latino voters ‘don’t want open borders’ – IOTW Report

Florida Rep. Maria Salazar: Latino voters ‘don’t want open borders’

Yes, the same snotty, pro-amnesty, pro-J6 committee, anti-MAGA representative that Tucker Carlson roasted last month, suddenly notices the Hispanics in her town don’t like open borders.

JTN- Florida Republican Rep. Maria Salazar told Just the News that Latino voters “don’t want open borders” and the Biden Administration isn’t adequately prepared for the anticipated influx of migrants arriving at the border after Title 42 gets lifted.

Title 42 was enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent certain categories of asylum seekers arriving at the border from entering the country and spreading the coronavirus.

“By ending Title 42, President Biden welcomes an influx of migrants to the U.S. that our system is not prepared to handle,” Salazar told Just the News. “He has no plan to solve the issue at our southern border, and it’s hitting my community — the Hispanic-American community — the hardest.”

The widespread assumption that Hispanics are single-issue voters focused on untrammeled border-crossing is a misconception, she argues. “We Latinos don’t want open borders — we want safety for our families, order at the border, and a growing economy,” she said. more here

9 Comments on Florida Rep. Maria Salazar: Latino voters ‘don’t want open borders’

  1. Isn’t it supposed to be “Latinx”? Just kidding. Of all the names brain dead leftists have come up with it has to be THE stupidest. Even the Latinos don’t like it.

  2. cuz they know whats coming, and they dont want them makin their way up here and screwing it up for everybody. that’s exactly why they be here in the first place, so all those stay down there while they be up here.

  3. I live in Los Angeles in the communist cesspool also known as California (for now), and I can tell you, almost all of the Latinos I deal with on daily bases, either friends, co-workers, business associates, …etc oppose illegal immigration and even mass migration. Most of them are church going, God fearing people.
    There are some exceptions and unfortunately, the exceptions are loud, crude, rude, and basically the worst you can see.
    The most obnoxious of them were few that were brought to the US, part of Obama’s NAFTA disaster. They act as if they own the US and we all owe them something.

  4. She’s the female version of Lindsey, with a better wig.
    Moochacha, you’d better get to the south tip of Key West and turns those floating rafts back to Cooba. We have enough coming in on the southern border and your dog whistle to “your” people ain’t helping the situation.

  5. Joe Biden’s widespread corruption and sinister open-border self-serving policies are a slap in the face to all legal-entry immigrants in the US. Latinos in the US better start putting their votes where their mouths and protests are.

  6. She’s also the brain-dead twit who wants the US to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine and shoot down Russian aircraft, effectively starting WWIII. I guess that her misguided support for maintaining Ukraines sovereignty forced her to put in her two cents opinion on our own.

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