Florida requiring labs to report critical ‘cycle threshold’ of COVID-19 tests – IOTW Report

Florida requiring labs to report critical ‘cycle threshold’ of COVID-19 tests

Just The News: The Florida Department of Health is requiring that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

In a press release this week, the department said that, regarding COVID-19 tests, “cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges, as applicable, must be reported by laboratories to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately.”

“Cycle thresholds” are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

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12 Comments on Florida requiring labs to report critical ‘cycle threshold’ of COVID-19 tests

  1. Should be a national requirement. Easy enough for the FDA to do. They could do it Monday, if they wanted to. They won’t, of course. They take their direction from the Office of the President-Elect now.

  2. Accurate information could prevent panic and people could make rational decisions. That wouldn’t allow for political manipulation and those in charge can’t have that!

  3. They also need to require an accurate death account—death WITH COVID versus death FROM COVID. With those two parameters—cycle thresholds and accurate death accounting—our mortality rate would be at least a quarter of what it is.

  4. Can you imagine being told your positive for the Kung Flu, and the crazy quarantine rules you’ll have to submit to, only because some lab or hospital needed to find some trace of it in your sample so they could get their government check.

  5. OMG!! Finally. I predicted that this would be real reason COVID has been ‘running rampant’ in the USA. They are ALL False positives. I should read what was posted first before commenting but from my research the PCR test they’ve been amplifying >100x!! The recommended amplification is <45x… in Canada, it's <35x. OMG!! I just knew that once 'JOE' was pres they'd take this tact to say that HIS policies are contributing to the decline of COVID in America. What a bunch of SHIT!!!

    And any time you posted, what I said above, they'd delete it! HOW ABOUT THAT!! I'm pissed.
    I also, read the manufacturing notes from the brands of tests… and they ALL SAY ::

    "Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses.

    • This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other viral or bacterial agents."

    How about that!

  6. AND the tests cannot determine if the PCR section they find is a LIVE virus or a DEAD virus.

    So your body could have come in contact with COVID and destroyed it with your immune system.

  7. Requiring the labs to report the cycle threshold of the tests would just politicize the results and make the response subject to political influence instead of medical influence.

  8. Anonymous, what do you think is happening now? The guy who developed the PCR test was adamantly opposed to its current usage, saying that cycles could be increased to produce a false positive every time, or decrease to produce true negatives every time, depending on whether an epidemic was required, or an end to an epidemic was required.

    We know the true positive results cycle threshold is under 40, and we suspect that many, if not most, current testing uses 40 or more cycles. How would transparency on cycle disclosure politicize the results—I mean, other than exposing the current politicized testing regimen? They lie, provably and constantly, about who dies from the covid. They lie, provably and constantly, about therapeutics such as HCQ. Why would they be honest about their test methods and results?

  9. @AC 9:50 AM:

    Requiring the labs to report the cycle threshold of the tests would just politicize the results and make the response subject to political influence instead of medical influence.

    Wow. You have it EXACTLY BACKWARDS. Test results without CT have been grossly politicized. Add the CT and then it would at least be possible to make a medical evaluation and response.


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