Florida Senate approves bill revoking Disney’s special self-governing status – IOTW Report

Florida Senate approves bill revoking Disney’s special self-governing status

‘The special status may be reestablished next year. ‘

Just The News: The Florida Senate on Wednesday passed a bill removing Disney’s special self-governing and tax status after the company criticized Florida’s parental rights bill.

The bill passed 23-16 during a special session that Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis called.

The legislation now heads to the Republican-controlled Florida House.

Disney has not commented on the bill as of publication.

“Disney is learning that they are a guest in this state,” Florida state Rep. Randy Fine told Newsmax.”They are a California company and we are not interested in their California values here in this state.”

The bill nullifies any independent special district established by an act before Florida’s constitution was ratified in 1968.

Reedy Creek Improvement District would be affected by the bill. The nearly 40 square miles of Disney property has operated as a county government since 1967. more

15 Comments on Florida Senate approves bill revoking Disney’s special self-governing status

  1. Fur prolly turns up the heat when it’s 75 outside.

    Eats dinner at 3:30.

    Pays with a check at the grocery store…..

    Nah I’m just kiddin’ ya, you’re alright.

    For an ol’ cranky bastard.

  2. Seriously though. I didn’t forget your b-day. Just have a lot goin on at work.

    Otherwise I would have been on here tearin’ up yo’ass ALL DAMN DAY.

  3. Burr may need an intervention… just sayin’

    We are here for you my man.
    BTW, Loco’s birthday is May 20th.
    They always forget here at iotw even though I am a seminal comment creator.
    Feel free to blast me on that very Friday following the thirteenth…

  4. Look mang, I ain’t actually know when Furs birthday is.. even though it may have been mentioned before. So….just like everyone else, the only way I can remember it is if it falls on Hitlers birthday. I know it’s Hitlers birthday because all the hippies bitch about it as they perennially try to crash his party with weed.

    You see where we’re at? I’m wishing birthday greetings to Costanzas dad. The fug does it matter what day the actual birthday is? I can remember Hitlers birthday. A birthday is a birthday. Let Fur use Hitlers birthday. It ain’t like Adolf is using it anymore.

    How is this about my many, many shortcomings as a human being? It’s Furs birthday. Why you gotta’ call the fire marshal on his party?

    damn. happy birthday to you too I guess.

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